
namespace Data


Namespaces: MySQL, ODBC, SQLite

Classes: AbstractBinder, AbstractBinding, AbstractExtraction, AbstractExtractor, AbstractPreparation, AbstractPrepare, AbstractSessionImpl, BLOB, BLOBIOS, BLOBInputStream, BLOBOutputStream, BLOBStreamBuf, Binding, BindingException, Column, Connector, DataException, ExecutionException, ExtractException, Extraction, InternalExtraction, Limit, LimitException, MetaColumn, NotImplementedException, NotSupportedException, PooledSessionHolder, PooledSessionImpl, Prepare, Range, RecordSet, RowDataMissingException, Session, SessionFactory, SessionImpl, SessionPool, SessionPoolExhaustedException, SessionUnavailableException, Statement, StatementCreator, StatementImpl, TypeHandler, UnknownDataBaseException, UnknownTypeException

Types: AbstractBindingPtr, AbstractBindingVec, AbstractExtractionPtr, AbstractExtractionVec

Functions: into, limit, lowerLimit, now, range, upperLimit, use


namespace MySQL

namespace ODBC

namespace SQLite


class AbstractBinder

Interface for Binding data types to placeholders. more...

class AbstractBinding

AbstractBinding connects a value with a placeholder via an AbstractBinder interface. more...

class AbstractExtraction

AbstractExtraction is the interface class that connects output positions to concrete values retrieved via an AbstractExtractormore...

class AbstractExtractor

Interface used to extract data from a single result row. more...

class AbstractPreparation

Interface used for database preparation where we first have to register all data types (and memory output locations) before extracting data, i. more...

class AbstractPrepare

Interface for calling the appropriate AbstractPreparation method more...

class AbstractSessionImpl

A partial implementation of SessionImpl, providing features and properties management. more...

class BLOB

Representation of a Binary Large OBject. more...


The base class for BLOBInputStream and BLOBOutputStreammore...

class BLOBInputStream

An input stream for reading from a BLOBmore...

class BLOBOutputStream

An output stream for writing to a BLOBmore...

class BLOBStreamBuf

This is the streambuf class used for reading from and writing to a BLOBmore...

class Binding

A Binding maps a value to a column. more...

class BindingException


class Column

Column class is column data container. more...

class Connector

A Connector creates SessionImpl objects. more...

class DataException


class ExecutionException


class ExtractException


class Extraction

Concrete Data Type specific extraction of values from a query result set. more...

class InternalExtraction

Vector Data Type specialization for extraction of values from a query result set. more...

class Limit

Limit stores information how many rows a query should return. more...

class LimitException


class MetaColumn

MetaColumn class contains column metadata information. more...

class NotImplementedException


class NotSupportedException


class PooledSessionHolder

This class is used by SessionPool to manage SessionImpl objects. more...

class PooledSessionImpl

PooledSessionImpl is a decorator created by SessionPool that adds session pool management to SessionImpl objects. more...

class Prepare

Class for calling the appropriate AbstractPreparation method. more...

class Range

Range stores information how many rows a query should return. more...

class RecordSet

RecordSet provides access to data returned from a query. more...

class RowDataMissingException


class Session

A Session holds a connection to a Database and creates Statement objects. more...

class SessionFactory

A SessionFactory is a singleton class that stores Connectors and allows to create Sessions of the required type: Session ses(SessionFactory::instance(). more...

class SessionImpl

Interface for Session functionality that subclasses must extend. more...

class SessionPool

This class implements session pooling for POCO Datamore...

class SessionPoolExhaustedException


class SessionUnavailableException


class Statement

A Statement is used to execute SQL statements. more...

class StatementCreator

A StatementCreator creates Statements. more...

class StatementImpl

StatementImpl interface that subclasses must implement to define database dependent query execution. more...

class TypeHandler

Converts Rows to a Type and the other way around. more...

class UnknownDataBaseException


class UnknownTypeException




typedef Poco::AutoPtr < AbstractBinding > AbstractBindingPtr;


typedef std::vector < AbstractBindingPtr > AbstractBindingVec;


typedef Poco::AutoPtr < AbstractExtraction > AbstractExtractionPtr;


typedef std::vector < AbstractExtractionPtr > AbstractExtractionVec;


into inline

template < typename T > Extraction < T > * into(
    T & t

Set Data Type specialization for extraction of values from a query result set. Multiset Data Type specialization for extraction of values from a query result set. Map Data Type specialization for extraction of values from a query result set. Multimap Data Type specialization for extraction of values from a query result set. Convenience function to allow for a more compact creation of a default extraction object

into inline

template < typename T > Extraction < T > * into(
    T & t,
    const T & def

Convenience function to allow for a more compact creation of an extraction object with the given default

limit inline

template < typename T > Limit limit(
    T lim,
    bool hard = false

Creates an upperLimit

lowerLimit inline

template < typename T > Limit lowerLimit(
    T lim


void now(
    Statement & statement

range inline

template < typename T > Range range(
    T low,
    T upp,
    bool hard = false

upperLimit inline

template < typename T > Limit upperLimit(
    T lim,
    bool hard = false

use inline

template < typename T > Binding < T > * use(
    const T & t

Specialization for std::vector. Creates the Binding. Destroys the Binding. Specialization for std::set. Creates the Binding. Destroys the Binding. Specialization for std::multiset. Creates the Binding. Destroys the Binding. Specialization for std::map. Creates the Binding. Destroys the Binding. Specialization for std::multimap. Creates the Binding. Destroys the Binding. Convenience function for a more compact Binding creation.