
class DynamicAnyHolder

Library: Foundation
Package: Core
Header: Poco/DynamicAnyHolder.h


Interface for a data holder used by the DynamicAny class. Provides methods to convert between data types. Only data types for which a convert method exists are supported, which are all C++ built-in types with addition of std::string, DateTime, LocalDateTime, Timestamp, and std::vector<DynamicAny>.


Known Derived Classes: DynamicAnyHolderImpl

Member Summary

Member Functions: clone, convert, convertSignedFloatToUnsigned, convertSignedToUnsigned, convertToSmaller, convertToSmallerUnsigned, convertUnsignedToSigned, isArray, isInteger, isNumeric, isSigned, isString, type




Creates the DynamicAnyHolder.


~DynamicAnyHolder virtual

virtual ~DynamicAnyHolder();

Destroys the DynamicAnyHolder.

Member Functions

clone virtual

virtual DynamicAnyHolder * clone() const = 0;

Deep-copies the DynamicAnyHolder.

convert virtual inline

virtual void convert(
    Int8 & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    Int16 & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    Int32 & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    Int64 & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    UInt8 & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    UInt16 & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    UInt32 & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    UInt64 & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    DateTime & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    LocalDateTime & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    Timestamp & val
) const = 0;


void convert(
    long & val
) const;


void convert(
    unsigned long & val
) const;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    bool & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    float & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    double & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    char & val
) const = 0;

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    std::string & val
) const = 0;

isArray virtual

virtual bool isArray() const = 0;

isInteger virtual

virtual bool isInteger() const = 0;

isNumeric virtual

virtual bool isNumeric() const = 0;

isSigned virtual

virtual bool isSigned() const = 0;

isString virtual

virtual bool isString() const = 0;

type virtual

virtual const std::type_info & type() const = 0;

Returns the type information of the stored content.

convertSignedFloatToUnsigned protected inline

template < typename F, typename T > void convertSignedFloatToUnsigned(
    const F & from,
    T & to
) const;

This function is meant for converting floating point data types to unsigned integral data types. Negative values can not be converted and if one is encountered, RangeException is thrown. If uper limit is within the target data type limits, the conversion is performed.

convertSignedToUnsigned protected inline

template < typename F, typename T > void convertSignedToUnsigned(
    const F & from,
    T & to
) const;

This function is meant for converting signed integral data types to unsigned data types. Negative values can not be converted and if one is encountered, RangeException is thrown. If upper limit is within the target data type limits, the conversion is performed.

convertToSmaller protected inline

template < typename F, typename T > void convertToSmaller(
    const F & from,
    T & to
) const;

This function is meant to convert signed numeric values from larger to smaller type. It checks the upper and lower bound and if from value is within limits of type T (i.e. check calls do not throw), it is converted.

convertToSmallerUnsigned protected inline

template < typename F, typename T > void convertToSmallerUnsigned(
    const F & from,
    T & to
) const;

This function is meant for converting unsigned integral data types, from larger to smaller type. Since lower limit is always 0 for unigned types, only the upper limit is checked, thus saving some cycles compared to the signed version of the function. If the value to be converted is smaller than the maximum value for the target type, the conversion is performed.

convertUnsignedToSigned protected inline

template < typename F, typename T > void convertUnsignedToSigned(
    const F & from,
    T & to
) const;

This function is meant for converting unsigned integral data types to unsigned data types. Negative values can not be converted and if one is encountered, RangeException is thrown. If upper limit is within the target data type limits, the converiosn is performed.