
class Decoder

Library: FastInfoset
Package: FastInfoset
Header: Poco/FastInfoset/Decoder.h


A Utility class to decode trivial FastInfoset data types.

Member Summary

Member Functions: documentHeader, documentPreHeader, integer, lengthOfSequence, nonEmptyOctetString, nonEmptyStringLength

Nested Classes

struct OpenHeaderParts




~Decoder protected


Destroys the Decoder.

Member Functions

documentHeader static

static OpenHeaderParts documentHeader(
    BitStreamReader & aReader,
    DocumentVocabulary & voc,
    FISDocumentHandler * pHandler

Parses over the document header, returning the initialized DocumentVocabulary. OpenHeaderParts contains information about header elements that were not parsed but should be parsed outside by the caller

documentPreHeader static

static void documentPreHeader(
    BitStreamReader & aReader,
    std::string & xmlDeclaration

Parses over the preHeader, returns the xmldeclaration if there is one, checks if the start bytes before the document are ok.

integer static

static void integer(
    BitStreamReader & aReader,
    Poco::UInt32 & val

Returns the integer value or an FISException.

lengthOfSequence static

static void lengthOfSequence(
    BitStreamReader & aReader,
    Poco::UInt32 & len

Returns the number of elements present in a sequence.

nonEmptyOctetString static

static void nonEmptyOctetString(
    BitStreamReader & aReader,
    std::string & str

Returns a non empty string or an FISException.

nonEmptyStringLength static

static void nonEmptyStringLength(
    BitStreamReader & aReader,
    std::size_t & strLen

Decodes the length of the string.