
class QualifiedNameEntry

Library: FastInfoset
Package: FastInfoset
Header: Poco/FastInfoset/QualifiedNameVocabulary.h


A QualifiedNameEntry represents a XML qualified name.

Member Summary

Member Functions: localNameId, namespaceId, operator, operator !=, operator <, prefixId




Creates an empty QualifiedNameEntry


    Poco::UInt32 prefixId,
    Poco::UInt32 nsId,
    Poco::UInt32 locnameId

Creates the QualifiedNameEntry




Destroys the QualifiedNameEntry

Member Functions

localNameId inline

Poco::UInt32 localNameId() const;

Returns the id of the localName. The id presents an index into a vocabulary. To convert the id back to the string representation, simply call vocabulary.value(index). Note that it depends on the location of the entry in the FISDocument which vocabulary will be used.

namespaceId inline

Poco::UInt32 namespaceId() const;

Returns the id of the namespace. The id presents an index into a vocabulary. To convert the id back to the string representation, simply call vocabulary.value(index). Note that it depends on the location of the entry in the FISDocument which vocabulary will be used.

operator inline

bool operator == (
    const QualifiedNameEntry & other
) const;

Compares two entries for equality.

operator != inline

bool operator != (
    const QualifiedNameEntry & other
) const;

Compares two entries for unequality.

operator <

bool operator < (
    const QualifiedNameEntry & other
) const;

Compares two entries by lower than.

prefixId inline

Poco::UInt32 prefixId() const;

Returns the id of the prefix. The id presents an index into a vocabulary. To convert the id back to the string representation, simply call vocabulary.value(index). Note that it depends on the location of the entry in the FISDocument which vocabulary will be used.