
template < class Value, class HashFunc = Hash < Value > >

class HashSet

Library: Foundation
Package: Hashing
Header: Poco/HashSet.h


This class implements a set using a LinearHashTable.

A HashSet can be used just like a std::set.

Member Summary

Member Functions: begin, clear, count, empty, end, erase, find, insert, operator =, size, swap



typedef typename HashTable::ConstIterator ConstIterator;


typedef const Value * ConstPointer;


typedef const Value & ConstReference;


typedef HashFunc Hash;


typedef LinearHashTable < ValueType, Hash > HashTable;


typedef typename HashTable::Iterator Iterator;


typedef Value * Pointer;


typedef Value & Reference;


typedef Value ValueType;


HashSet inline


Creates an empty HashSet.

HashSet inline

    std::size_t initialReserve

Creates the HashSet, using the given initialReserve.

HashSet inline

    const HashSet & set

Creates the HashSet by copying another one.


~HashSet inline


Destroys the HashSet.

Member Functions

begin inline

ConstIterator begin() const;

Returns an iterator pointing to the first entry, if one exists.

begin inline

Iterator begin();

Returns an iterator pointing to the first entry, if one exists.

clear inline

void clear();

Erases all elements.

count inline

std::size_t count(
    const ValueType & value
) const;

Returns the number of elements with the given value, with is either 1 or 0.

empty inline

bool empty() const;

Returns true iff the table is empty.

end inline

ConstIterator end() const;

Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the table.

end inline

Iterator end();

Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the table.

erase inline

void erase(
    Iterator it

Erases the element pointed to by it.

erase inline

void erase(
    const ValueType & value

Erases the element with the given value, if it exists.

find inline

ConstIterator find(
    const ValueType & value
) const;

Finds an entry in the table.

find inline

Iterator find(
    const ValueType & value

Finds an entry in the table.

insert inline

std::pair < Iterator, bool > insert(
    const ValueType & value

Inserts an element into the set.

If the element already exists in the set, a pair(iterator, false) with iterator pointing to the existing element is returned. Otherwise, the element is inserted an a pair(iterator, true) with iterator pointing to the new element is returned.

operator = inline

HashSet & operator = (
    const HashSet & table

Assigns another HashSet.

size inline

std::size_t size() const;

Returns the number of elements in the table.

swap inline

void swap(
    HashSet & set

Swaps the HashSet with another one.