
class HTTPClientSession

Library: Net
Package: HTTPClient
Header: Poco/Net/HTTPClientSession.h


This class implements the client-side of a HTTP session.

To send a HTTP request to a HTTP server, first instantiate a HTTPClientSession object and specify the server's host name and port number.

Then create a HTTPRequest object, fill it accordingly, and pass it as argument to the sendRequst() method.

sendRequest() will return an output stream that can be used to send the request body, if there is any.

After you are done sending the request body, create a HTTPResponse object and pass it to receiveResponse().

This will return an input stream that can be used to read the response body.

See RFC 2616 <http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2616.html> for more information about the HTTP protocol.


Direct Base Classes: HTTPSession

All Base Classes: HTTPSession

Known Derived Classes: HTTPSClientSession

Member Summary

Member Functions: deleteRequestStream, deleteResponseStream, getExpectResponseBody, getHost, getHostInfo, getKeepAliveTimeout, getPort, getProxyHost, getProxyPort, getRequestStream, getResponseStream, mustReconnect, receiveResponse, reconnect, sendRequest, setExpectResponseBody, setHost, setKeepAliveTimeout, setPort, setProxy, setProxyHost, setProxyPort, setReconnect, setRequestStream, setResponseStream, write

Inherited Functions: abort, buffered, close, connect, connected, get, getKeepAlive, getTimeout, networkException, peek, read, receive, refill, setException, setKeepAlive, setTimeout, socket, write


Anonymous protected





Creates an unconnected HTTPClientSession.


explicit HTTPClientSession(
    const StreamSocket & socket

Creates a HTTPClientSession using the given socket. The socket must not be connected. The session takes ownership of the socket.


explicit HTTPClientSession(
    const SocketAddress & address

Creates a HTTPClientSession using the given address.


    const std::string & host,
    Poco::UInt16 port = HTTPSession::HTTP_PORT

Creates a HTTPClientSession using the given host and port.


~HTTPClientSession virtual

virtual ~HTTPClientSession();

Destroys the HTTPClientSession and closes the underlying socket.

Member Functions

getHost inline

const std::string & getHost() const;

Returns the host name of the target HTTP server.

getKeepAliveTimeout inline

const Poco::Timespan & getKeepAliveTimeout() const;

Returns the connection timeout for HTTP connections.

getPort inline

Poco::UInt16 getPort() const;

Returns the port number of the target HTTP server.

getProxyHost inline

const std::string & getProxyHost() const;

Returns the proxy host name.

getProxyPort inline

Poco::UInt16 getProxyPort() const;

Returns the proxy port number.

receiveResponse virtual

virtual std::istream & receiveResponse(
    HTTPResponse & response

Receives the header for the response to the previous HTTP request.

The returned input stream can be used to read the response body. The stream is valid until sendRequest() is called or the session is destroyed.

sendRequest virtual

virtual std::ostream & sendRequest(
    HTTPRequest & request

Sends the header for the given HTTP request to the server.

The HTTPClientSession will set the request's Host and Keep-Alive headers accordingly.

The returned output stream can be used to write the request body. The stream is valid until receiveResponse() is called or the session is destroyed.


void setHost(
    const std::string & host

Sets the host name of the target HTTP server.

The host must not be changed once there is an open connection to the server.


void setKeepAliveTimeout(
    const Poco::Timespan & timeout

Sets the connection timeout for HTTP connections.


void setPort(
    Poco::UInt16 port

Sets the port number of the target HTTP server.

The port number must not be changed once there is an open connection to the server.


void setProxy(
    const std::string & host,
    Poco::UInt16 port = HTTPSession::HTTP_PORT

Sets the proxy host name and port number.


void setProxyHost(
    const std::string & host

Sets the host name of the proxy server.


void setProxyPort(
    Poco::UInt16 port

Sets the port number of the proxy server.

deleteRequestStream protected

void deleteRequestStream();

Deletes the request stream and sets it to 0.

deleteResponseStream protected

void deleteResponseStream();

Deletes the response stream and sets it to 0.

getExpectResponseBody protected inline

bool getExpectResponseBody() const;

Returns _expectResponseBody.

getHostInfo protected virtual

virtual std::string getHostInfo() const;

Returns the target host and port number for proxy requests.

getRequestStream protected inline

std::ostream * getRequestStream() const;

Returns the currently set request stream. Can return 0.

getResponseStream protected inline

std::istream * getResponseStream() const;

Returns the currently set response stream. Can return 0.

mustReconnect protected

bool mustReconnect() const;

Checks if we can reuse a persistent connection.

reconnect protected

void reconnect();

Connects the underlying socket to the HTTP server.

setExpectResponseBody protected inline

void setExpectResponseBody(
    bool expect

Sets _expectResponseBody.

setReconnect protected inline

void setReconnect(
    bool recon

Sets _reconnect.

setRequestStream protected

void setRequestStream(
    std::ostream * pRequestStream

Sets the request stream iff _pRequestStream is 0.

setResponseStream protected

void setResponseStream(
    std::istream * pRespStream

Sets the response stream iff _pResponseStream is 0.

write protected virtual

int write(
    const char * buffer,
    std::streamsize length

Tries to re-connect if keep-alive is on.

See also: Poco::Net::HTTPSession::write()