
class HTTPCookie

Library: Net
Package: HTTP
Header: Poco/Net/HTTPCookie.h


This class represents a HTTP Cookie.

A cookie is a small amount of information sent by a Web server to a Web browser, saved by the browser, and later sent back to the server. A cookie's value can uniquely identify a client, so cookies are commonly used for session management.

A cookie has a name, a single value, and optional attributes such as a comment, path and domain qualifiers, a maximum age, and a version number.

This class supports both the Version 0 (by Netscape) and Version 1 (by RFC 2109) cookie specifications. By default, cookies are created using Version 0 to ensure the best interoperability.

Member Summary

Member Functions: getComment, getDomain, getHttpOnly, getMaxAge, getName, getPath, getSecure, getValue, getVersion, operator =, setComment, setDomain, setHttpOnly, setMaxAge, setName, setPath, setSecure, setValue, setVersion, toString




Creates an empty HTTPCookie.


explicit HTTPCookie(
    const std::string & name

Creates a cookie with the given name. The cookie never expires.


explicit HTTPCookie(
    const NameValueCollection & nvc

Creates a cookie from the given NameValueCollection.


    const HTTPCookie & cookie

Creates the HTTPCookie by copying another one.


    const std::string & name,
    const std::string & value

Creates a cookie with the given name and value. The cookie never expires.




Destroys the HTTPCookie.

Member Functions

getComment inline

const std::string & getComment() const;

Returns the comment for the cookie.

getDomain inline

const std::string & getDomain() const;

Returns the domain for the cookie.

getHttpOnly inline

bool getHttpOnly() const;

Returns true iff the cookie's HttpOnly flag is set.

getMaxAge inline

int getMaxAge() const;

Returns the maximum age in seconds for the cookie.

getName inline

const std::string & getName() const;

Returns the name of the cookie.

getPath inline

const std::string & getPath() const;

Returns the path for the cookie.

getSecure inline

bool getSecure() const;

Returns the value of the secure flag for the cookie.

getValue inline

const std::string & getValue() const;

Returns the value of the cookie.

getVersion inline

int getVersion() const;

Returns the version of the cookie, which is either 0 or 1.

operator =

HTTPCookie & operator = (
    const HTTPCookie & cookie

Assigns a cookie.


void setComment(
    const std::string & comment

Sets the comment for the cookie.

Comments are only supported for version 1 cookies.


void setDomain(
    const std::string & domain

Sets the domain for the cookie.


void setHttpOnly(
    bool flag = true

Sets the HttpOnly flag for the cookie.


void setMaxAge(
    int maxAge

Sets the maximum age in seconds for the cookie.

A value of -1 causes the cookie to never expire on the client.

A value of 0 deletes the cookie on the client.


void setName(
    const std::string & name

Sets the name of the cookie.


void setPath(
    const std::string & path

Sets the path for the cookie.


void setSecure(
    bool secure

Sets the value of the secure flag for the cookie.


void setValue(
    const std::string & value

Sets the value of the cookie.

According to the cookie specification, the size of the value should not exceed 4 Kbytes.


void setVersion(
    int version

Sets the version of the cookie.

Version must be either 0 (denoting a Netscape cookie) or 1 (denoting a RFC 2109 cookie).


std::string toString() const;

Returns a string representation of the cookie, suitable for use in a Set-Cookie header.