
class IPAddress

Library: Net
Package: NetCore
Header: Poco/Net/IPAddress.h


This class represents an internet (IP) host address. The address can belong either to the IPv4 or the IPv6 address family.

Relational operators (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=) are supported. However, you must not interpret any special meaning into the result of these operations, other than that the results are consistent.

Especially, an IPv4 address is never equal to an IPv6 address, even if the IPv6 address is IPv4 compatible and the addresses are the same.

IPv6 addresses are supported only if the target platform supports IPv6.

Member Summary

Member Functions: addr, af, family, init, isBroadcast, isGlobalMC, isIPv4Compatible, isIPv4Mapped, isLinkLocal, isLinkLocalMC, isLoopback, isMulticast, isNodeLocalMC, isOrgLocalMC, isSiteLocal, isSiteLocalMC, isUnicast, isWellKnownMC, isWildcard, length, mask, operator, operator !=, operator <, operator <=, operator =, operator >, operator >=, parse, swap, toString, tryParse



MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH = sizeof (struct in_addr)

Maximum length in bytes of a socket address.


Possible address families for IP addresses.






Creates a wildcard (zero) IPv4 IPAddress.


    const IPAddress & addr

Creates an IPAddress by copying another one.


explicit IPAddress(
    Family family

Creates a wildcard (zero) IPAddress for the given address family.


explicit IPAddress(
    const std::string & addr

Creates an IPAddress from the string containing an IP address in presentation format (dotted decimal for IPv4, hex string for IPv6).

Depending on the format of addr, either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address is created.

See toString() for details on the supported formats.

Throws an InvalidAddressException if the address cannot be parsed.


    const std::string & addr,
    Family family

Creates an IPAddress from the string containing an IP address in presentation format (dotted decimal for IPv4, hex string for IPv6).


    const void * addr,
    int length

Creates an IPAddress from a native internet address. A pointer to a in_addr or a in6_addr structure may be passed.




Destroys the IPAddress.

Member Functions


const void * addr() const;

Returns the internal address structure.


int af() const;

Returns the address family (AF_INET or AF_INET6) of the address.


Family family() const;

Returns the address family (IPv4 or IPv6) of the address.


bool isBroadcast() const;

Returns true iff the address is a broadcast address.

Only IPv4 addresses can be broadcast addresses. In a broadcast address, all bits are one.

For a IPv6 address, returns always false.


bool isGlobalMC() const;

Returns true iff the address is a global multicast address.

For IPv4, global multicast addresses are in the to range.

For IPv6, global multicast addresses are in the FFxF:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.


bool isIPv4Compatible() const;

Returns true iff the address is IPv4 compatible.

For IPv4 addresses, this is always true.

For IPv6, the address must be in the ::x:x range (the first 96 bits are zero).


bool isIPv4Mapped() const;

Returns true iff the address is an IPv4 mapped IPv6 address.

For IPv4 addresses, this is always true.

For IPv6, the address must be in the ::FFFF:x:x range.


bool isLinkLocal() const;

Returns true iff the address is a link local unicast address.

IPv4 link local addresses are in the range, according to RFC 3927.

IPv6 link local addresses have 1111 1110 10 as the first 10 bits, followed by 54 zeros.


bool isLinkLocalMC() const;

Returns true iff the address is a link-local multicast address.

For IPv4, link-local multicast addresses are in the range. Note that this overlaps with the range for well-known multicast addresses.

For IPv6, link-local multicast addresses are in the FFx2:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.


bool isLoopback() const;

Returns true iff the address is a loopback address.

For IPv4, the loopback address is

For IPv6, the loopback address is ::1.


bool isMulticast() const;

Returns true iff the address is a multicast address.

IPv4 multicast addresses are in the to range (the first four bits have the value 1110).

IPv6 multicast addresses are in the FFxx:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.


bool isNodeLocalMC() const;

Returns true iff the address is a node-local multicast address.

IPv4 does not support node-local addresses, thus the result is always false for an IPv4 address.

For IPv6, node-local multicast addresses are in the FFx1:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.


bool isOrgLocalMC() const;

Returns true iff the address is a organization-local multicast address.

For IPv4, organization-local multicast addresses are in the range.

For IPv6, organization-local multicast addresses are in the FFx8:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.


bool isSiteLocal() const;

Returns true iff the address is a site local unicast address.

IPv4 site local addresses are in on of the, or to ranges.

IPv6 site local addresses have 1111 1110 11 as the first 10 bits, followed by 38 zeros.


bool isSiteLocalMC() const;

Returns true iff the address is a site-local multicast address.

For IPv4, site local multicast addresses are in the range.

For IPv6, site-local multicast addresses are in the FFx5:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.


bool isUnicast() const;

Returns true iff the address is a unicast address.

An address is unicast if it is neither a wildcard, broadcast or multicast address.


bool isWellKnownMC() const;

Returns true iff the address is a well-known multicast address.

For IPv4, well-known multicast addresses are in the range.

For IPv6, well-known multicast addresses are in the FF0x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x range.


bool isWildcard() const;

Returns true iff the address is a wildcard (all zero) address.


int length() const;

Returns the length in bytes of the internal socket address structure.


void mask(
    const IPAddress & mask

Masks the IP address using the given netmask, which is usually a IPv4 subnet mask. Only supported for IPv4 addresses.

The new address is (address & mask).


void mask(
    const IPAddress & mask,
    const IPAddress & set

Masks the IP address using the given netmask, which is usually a IPv4 subnet mask. Only supported for IPv4 addresses.

The new address is (address & mask) | (set & ~mask).


bool operator == (
    const IPAddress & addr
) const;

operator !=

bool operator != (
    const IPAddress & addr
) const;

operator <

bool operator < (
    const IPAddress & addr
) const;

operator <=

bool operator <= (
    const IPAddress & addr
) const;

operator =

IPAddress & operator = (
    const IPAddress & addr

Assigns an IPAddress.

operator >

bool operator > (
    const IPAddress & addr
) const;

operator >=

bool operator >= (
    const IPAddress & addr
) const;

parse static

static IPAddress parse(
    const std::string & addr

Creates an IPAddress from the string containing an IP address in presentation format (dotted decimal for IPv4, hex string for IPv6).

Depending on the format of addr, either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address is created.

See toString() for details on the supported formats.

Throws an InvalidAddressException if the address cannot be parsed.


void swap(
    IPAddress & address

Swaps the IPAddress with another one.


std::string toString() const;

Returns a string containing a representation of the address in presentation format.

For IPv4 addresses the result will be in dotted-decimal (d.d.d.d) notation.

Textual representation of IPv6 address is one of the following forms:

The preferred form is x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, where the 'x's are the hexadecimal values of the eight 16-bit pieces of the address. This is the full form. Example: 1080:0:0:0:8:600:200A:425C

It is not necessary to write the leading zeros in an individual field. However, there must be at least one numeral in every field, except as described below.

It is common for IPv6 addresses to contain long strings of zero bits. In order to make writing addresses containing zero bits easier, a special syntax is available to compress the zeros. The use of "::" indicates multiple groups of 16-bits of zeros. The "::" can only appear once in an address. The "::" can also be used to compress the leading and/or trailing zeros in an address. Example: 1080::8:600:200A:425C

For dealing with IPv4 compatible addresses in a mixed environment, a special syntax is available: x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d, where the 'x's are the hexadecimal values of the six high-order 16-bit pieces of the address, and the 'd's are the decimal values of the four low-order 8-bit pieces of the standard IPv4 representation address. Example: ::FFFF:

tryParse static

static bool tryParse(
    const std::string & addr,
    IPAddress & result

Tries to interpret the given address string as an IP address in presentation format (dotted decimal for IPv4, hex string for IPv6).

Returns true and stores the IPAddress in result if the string contains a valid address.

Returns false and leaves result unchanged otherwise.

init protected

void init(
    IPAddressImpl * pImpl