
class MessageHeader

Library: Net
Package: Messages
Header: Poco/Net/MessageHeader.h


A collection of name-value pairs that are used in various internet protocols like HTTP and SMTP.

The name is case-insensitive.

There can be more than one name-value pair with the same name.

MessageHeader supports writing and reading the header data in RFC 2822 format.


Direct Base Classes: NameValueCollection

All Base Classes: NameValueCollection

Known Derived Classes: HTTPMessage, HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse, HTTPServerRequestImpl, HTTPServerResponseImpl, HTTPServerRequest, HTTPServerResponse, MailMessage

Member Summary

Member Functions: operator =, quote, read, splitElements, splitParameters, write

Inherited Functions: add, begin, clear, empty, end, erase, find, get, has, operator, operator =, set, size, swap




Creates the MessageHeader.


    const MessageHeader & messageHeader

Creates the MessageHeader by copying another one.


~MessageHeader virtual

virtual ~MessageHeader();

Destroys the MessageHeader.

Member Functions

operator =

MessageHeader & operator = (
    const MessageHeader & messageHeader

Assigns the content of another MessageHeader.

quote static

static void quote(
    const std::string & value,
    std::string & result,
    bool allowSpace = false

Checks if the value must be quoted. If so, the value is appended to result, enclosed in double-quotes. Otherwise. the value is appended to result as-is.

read virtual

virtual void read(
    std::istream & istr

Reads the message header from the given input stream.

See write() for the expected format. Also supported is folding of field content, according to section 2.2.3 of RFC 2822.

Reading stops at the first empty line (a line only containing \r\n or \n), as well as at the end of the stream.

Some basic sanity checking of the input stream is performed.

Throws a MessageException if the input stream is malformed.

splitElements static

static void splitElements(
    const std::string & s,
    std::vector < std::string > & elements,
    bool ignoreEmpty = true

Splits the given string into separate elements. Elements are expected to be separated by commas.

For example, the string

text/plain; q=0.5, text/html, text/x-dvi; q=0.8

is split into the elements

text/plain; q=0.5
text/x-dvi; q=0.8

Commas enclosed in double quotes do not split elements.

If ignoreEmpty is true, empty elements are not returned.

splitParameters static

static void splitParameters(
    const std::string & s,
    std::string & value,
    NameValueCollection & parameters

Splits the given string into a value and a collection of parameters. Parameters are expected to be separated by semicolons.

Enclosing quotes of parameter values are removed.

For example, the string

multipart/mixed; boundary="MIME_boundary_01234567"

is split into the value


and the parameter

boundary -> MIME_boundary_01234567

splitParameters static

static void splitParameters(
    const std::string::const_iterator & begin,
    const std::string::const_iterator & end,
    NameValueCollection & parameters

Splits the given string into a collection of parameters. Parameters are expected to be separated by semicolons.

Enclosing quotes of parameter values are removed.

write virtual

virtual void write(
    std::ostream & ostr
) const;

Writes the message header to the given output stream.

The format is one name-value pair per line, with name and value separated by a colon and lines delimited by a carriage return and a linefeed character. See RFC 2822 for details.