
class SecureServerSocketImpl

Library: NetSSL_OpenSSL
Package: SSLSockets
Header: Poco/Net/SecureServerSocketImpl.h


The SocketImpl class for SecureServerSocket.


Direct Base Classes: ServerSocketImpl

All Base Classes: ServerSocketImpl, SocketImpl, Poco::RefCountedObject

Member Summary

Member Functions: acceptConnection, bind, close, connect, connectNB, listen, receiveBytes, receiveFrom, sendBytes, sendTo, sendUrgent

Inherited Functions: acceptConnection, address, available, bind, close, connect, connectNB, duplicate, error, getBlocking, getBroadcast, getKeepAlive, getLinger, getNoDelay, getOOBInline, getOption, getRawOption, getReceiveBufferSize, getReceiveTimeout, getReuseAddress, getReusePort, getSendBufferSize, getSendTimeout, init, initSocket, initialized, invalidate, ioctl, lastError, listen, peerAddress, poll, receiveBytes, receiveFrom, referenceCount, release, sendBytes, sendTo, sendUrgent, setBlocking, setBroadcast, setKeepAlive, setLinger, setNoDelay, setOOBInline, setOption, setRawOption, setReceiveBufferSize, setReceiveTimeout, setReuseAddress, setReusePort, setSendBufferSize, setSendTimeout, setSockfd, shutdown, shutdownReceive, shutdownSend, socketError, sockfd




Creates the SecureServerSocketImpl.


~SecureServerSocketImpl protected virtual


Destroys the SecureServerSocketImpl.

Member Functions

acceptConnection virtual

SocketImpl * acceptConnection(
    SocketAddress & clientAddr

Get the next completed connection from the socket's completed connection queue.

If the queue is empty, waits until a connection request completes.

Returns a new TCP socket for the connection with the client.

The client socket's address is returned in clientAddr.

See also: Poco::Net::SocketImpl::acceptConnection()

bind virtual

void bind(
    const SocketAddress & address,
    bool reuseAddress = false

Bind a local address to the socket.

This is usually only done when establishing a server socket. TCP clients should not bind a socket to a specific address.

If reuseAddress is true, sets the SO_REUSEADDR socket option.

See also: Poco::Net::SocketImpl::bind()

close virtual

void close();

Close the socket.

See also: Poco::Net::SocketImpl::close()

connect virtual

void connect(
    const SocketAddress & address

Initializes the socket and establishes a connection to the TCP server at the given address.

Can also be used for UDP sockets. In this case, no connection is established. Instead, incoming and outgoing packets are restricted to the specified address.

See also: Poco::Net::SocketImpl::connect()

connect virtual

void connect(
    const SocketAddress & address,
    const Poco::Timespan & timeout

Initializes the socket, sets the socket timeout and establishes a connection to the TCP server at the given address.

See also: Poco::Net::SocketImpl::connect()

connectNB virtual

void connectNB(
    const SocketAddress & address

Initializes the socket and establishes a connection to the TCP server at the given address. Prior to opening the connection the socket is set to nonblocking mode.

See also: Poco::Net::SocketImpl::connectNB()

listen virtual

void listen(
    int backlog = 64

Puts the socket into listening state.

The socket becomes a passive socket that can accept incoming connection requests.

The backlog argument specifies the maximum number of connections that can be queued for this socket.

See also: Poco::Net::SocketImpl::listen()

receiveBytes virtual

int receiveBytes(
    void * buffer,
    int length,
    int flags = 0

Receives data from the socket and stores it in buffer. Up to length bytes are received.

Returns the number of bytes received.

See also: Poco::Net::SocketImpl::receiveBytes()

receiveFrom virtual

int receiveFrom(
    void * buffer,
    int length,
    SocketAddress & address,
    int flags = 0

Receives data from the socket and stores it in buffer. Up to length bytes are received. Stores the address of the sender in address.

Returns the number of bytes received.

See also: Poco::Net::SocketImpl::receiveFrom()

sendBytes virtual

int sendBytes(
    const void * buffer,
    int length,
    int flags = 0

Sends the contents of the given buffer through the socket. Any specified flags are ignored.

Returns the number of bytes sent, which may be less than the number of bytes specified.

See also: Poco::Net::SocketImpl::sendBytes()

sendTo virtual

int sendTo(
    const void * buffer,
    int length,
    const SocketAddress & address,
    int flags = 0

Sends the contents of the given buffer through the socket to the given address.

Returns the number of bytes sent, which may be less than the number of bytes specified.

See also: Poco::Net::SocketImpl::sendTo()

sendUrgent virtual

void sendUrgent(
    unsigned char data

Sends one byte of urgent data through the socket.

The data is sent with the MSG_OOB flag.

The preferred way for a socket to receive urgent data is by enabling the SO_OOBINLINE option.

See also: Poco::Net::SocketImpl::sendUrgent()