
template < class ServiceHandler >

class SocketAcceptor

Library: Net
Package: Reactor
Header: Poco/Net/SocketAcceptor.h


This class implements the Acceptor part of the Acceptor-Connector design pattern.

The Acceptor-Connector pattern has been described in the book "Pattern Languages of Program Design 3", edited by Robert Martin, Frank Buschmann and Dirk Riehle (Addison Wesley, 1997).

The Acceptor-Connector design pattern decouples connection establishment and service initialization in a distributed system from the processing performed once a service is initialized. This decoupling is achieved with three components: Acceptors, Connectors and Service Handlers. The SocketAcceptor passively waits for connection requests (usually from a remote Connector) and establishes a connection upon arrival of a connection requests. Also, a Service Handler is initialized to process the data arriving via the connection in an application-specific way.

The SocketAcceptor sets up a ServerSocket and registers itself for a ReadableNotification, denoting an incoming connection request.

When the ServerSocket becomes readable the SocketAcceptor accepts the connection request and creates a ServiceHandler to service the connection.

The ServiceHandler class must provide a constructor that takes a StreamSocket and a SocketReactor as arguments, e.g.:

MyServiceHandler(const StreamSocket& socket, ServiceReactor& reactor)

When the ServiceHandler is done, it must destroy itself.

Subclasses can override the createServiceHandler() factory method if special steps are necessary to create a ServiceHandler object.

Member Summary

Member Functions: createServiceHandler, onAccept, reactor, registerAcceptor, socket, unregisterAcceptor


SocketAcceptor inline

    ServerSocket & socket

Creates an SocketAcceptor, using the given ServerSocket.

SocketAcceptor inline

    ServerSocket & socket,
    SocketReactor & reactor

Creates an SocketAcceptor, using the given ServerSocket. The SocketAcceptor registers itself with the given SocketReactor.


~SocketAcceptor virtual inline

virtual ~SocketAcceptor();

Destroys the SocketAcceptor.

Member Functions

onAccept inline

void onAccept(
    ReadableNotification * pNotification

registerAcceptor virtual inline

virtual void registerAcceptor(
    SocketReactor & reactor

Registers the SocketAcceptor with a SocketReactor.

A subclass can override this and, for example, also register an event handler for a timeout event.

The overriding method must call the baseclass implementation first.

unregisterAcceptor virtual inline

virtual void unregisterAcceptor();

Unregisters the SocketAcceptor.

A subclass can override this and, for example, also unregister its event handler for a timeout event.

The overriding method must call the baseclass implementation first.

createServiceHandler protected virtual inline

virtual ServiceHandler * createServiceHandler(
    StreamSocket & socket

Create and initialize a new ServiceHandler instance.

Subclasses can override this method.

reactor protected inline

SocketReactor * reactor();

Returns a pointer to the SocketReactor where this SocketAcceptor is registered.

The pointer may be null.

socket protected inline

Socket & socket();

Returns a reference to the SocketAcceptor's socket.