
class TCPServerParams

Library: Net
Package: TCPServer
Header: Poco/Net/TCPServerParams.h


This class is used to specify parameters to both the TCPServer, as well as to TCPServerDispatcher objects.

Subclasses may add new parameters to the class.


Direct Base Classes: Poco::RefCountedObject

All Base Classes: Poco::RefCountedObject

Known Derived Classes: HTTPServerParams

Member Summary

Member Functions: getMaxQueued, getMaxThreads, getThreadIdleTime, getThreadPriority, setMaxQueued, setMaxThreads, setThreadIdleTime, setThreadPriority

Inherited Functions: duplicate, referenceCount, release




Creates the TCPServerParams.

Sets the following default values:


~TCPServerParams protected virtual

virtual ~TCPServerParams();

Destroys the TCPServerParams.

Member Functions

getMaxQueued inline

int getMaxQueued() const;

Returns the maximum number of queued connections.

getMaxThreads inline

int getMaxThreads() const;

Returns the maximum number of simultaneous threads available for this TCPServerDispatcher.

getThreadIdleTime inline

const Poco::Timespan & getThreadIdleTime() const;

Returns the maximum thread idle time.

getThreadPriority inline

Poco::Thread::Priority getThreadPriority() const;

Returns the priority of TCP server threads created by TCPServer.


void setMaxQueued(
    int count

Sets the maximum number of queued connections. Must be greater than 0.

If there are already the maximum number of connections in the queue, new connections will be silently discarded.

The default number is 64.


void setMaxThreads(
    int count

Sets the maximum number of simultaneous threads available for this TCPServerDispatcher.

Must be greater than or equal to 0. If 0 is specified, the TCPServerDispatcher will set this parameter to the number of available threads in its thread pool.

The thread pool used by the TCPServerDispatcher must at least have the capacity for the given number of threads.


void setThreadIdleTime(
    const Poco::Timespan & idleTime

Sets the maximum idle time for a thread before it is terminated.

The default idle time is 10 seconds;


void setThreadPriority(
    Poco::Thread::Priority prio

Sets the priority of TCP server threads created by TCPServer.