
class VerificationErrorArgs

Library: NetSSL_OpenSSL
Package: SSLCore
Header: Poco/Net/VerificationErrorArgs.h


A utility class for certificate error handling.

Member Summary

Member Functions: certificate, errorDepth, errorMessage, errorNumber, getIgnoreError, setIgnoreError



    const X509Certificate & cert,
    int errDepth,
    int errNum,
    const std::string & errMsg

Creates the VerificationErrorArgs. _ignoreError is per default set to false.




Destroys the VerificationErrorArgs.

Member Functions

certificate inline

const X509Certificate & certificate() const;

Returns the certificate that caused the error.

errorDepth inline

int errorDepth() const;

Returns the position of the certificate in the certificate chain.

errorMessage inline

const std::string & errorMessage() const;

Returns the textual presentation of the errorNumber.

errorNumber inline

int errorNumber() const;

Returns the id of the error

getIgnoreError inline

bool getIgnoreError() const;

returns the value of _ignoreError

setIgnoreError inline

void setIgnoreError(
    bool ignoreError

setIgnoreError to true, if a verification error is judged non-fatal by the user.