
class NameSpaceManager

Library: Remoting
Package: Remoting
Header: Poco/Remoting/NameSpaceManager.h


The NameSpaceManager is a singleton object and manages for each remote class its namespace

Member Summary

Member Functions: getNameSpace, hasNameSpace, instance, registerNameSpace, unregisterNameSpace



~NameSpaceManager protected


Destroys the NameSpaceManager.

Member Functions


const std::string & getNameSpace(
    const Remoting::Identifiable::TypeId & tid
) const;

Returns the namespace for the given typeId or throws an exception if it doesn't exist

hasNameSpace inline

bool hasNameSpace(
    const Remoting::Identifiable::TypeId & tid
) const;

Returns true if a namespace->typeId connection exists.

instance static

static NameSpaceManager & instance();

Returns the instance of the singleton.

registerNameSpace inline

void registerNameSpace(
    const Remoting::Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    const std::string & nameSpace

Adds the typeId ->nameSpace connection to the manager. Duplicate registrations are ignored.

unregisterNameSpace inline

void unregisterNameSpace(
    const Remoting::Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    const std::string & nameSpace

Removes the typeId ->nameSpace connection from the manager. Ignored if entry does not exist.