
class ORB

Library: Remoting
Package: Remoting
Header: Poco/Remoting/ORB.h


The object broker is a singleton which manages listeners, RemoteObjects, Skeletons and proxy creation. A Client will typically use findObject to retrieve an object. It is recommended to use the various helper classes generated by the code generator to retrieve an instance of an object. Example: Assume you have a class MyClass. Create a configuration file containing Remoting/RemoteObject.h, Remoting/Proxy.h, Remoting/Skeleton.h, MyClass.h (see RemoteGen example config file). Start the RemoteGen application which generates the following files:

IMyClass, MyClassHelper, MyClassProxy, MyClassProxyFactory, MyClassSkeleton, MyClassRemoteObject

Use MyClassHelper::find(uri) to retrieve the object behind the given endpoint (if proxy or local object is decided transparently in the ORB). The returned object will be of type AutoPtr<IMyClass> which has the same interface as MyClass.

Member Summary

Member Functions: findObject, getSkeleton, instance, invoke, registerClass, registerListener, registerObject, registerProxyFactory, registerSkeleton, shutdown, unregisterClass, unregisterListener, unregisterObject, unregisterProxyFactory, unregisterSkeleton



typedef Poco::AutoPtr < Identifiable > IdentifiablePtr;


typedef std::map < std::string, std::set < std::string > > ListenerObjects;

A map that stores for each listener end points the set of object uris registered to it.


typedef Poco::SharedPtr < Listener > ListenerPtr;


typedef std::map < std::string, ListenerPtr > Listeners;


typedef Poco::AutoPtr < RemoteObject > RemoteObjectPtr;


typedef std::map < std::string, RemoteObjectPtr > RemoteObjects;


typedef std::pair < SkeletonPtr, TransportRemoteObjects > SkeletonInfo;


typedef Poco::AutoPtr < Skeleton > SkeletonPtr;


typedef std::map < Identifiable::TypeId, SkeletonInfo > Skeletons;


typedef std::map < std::string, RemoteObjects > TransportRemoteObjects;

Maps transports string to a map of oid->RemoteObject



~ORB protected


Destroys the ORB.

Member Functions


IdentifiablePtr findObject(
    const std::string & uri

The uri must have the following format: scheme://serverName/transport/typeId/objectId Don't use directly, use the generated helper class for the given object type which performs the cast from IdentifiablePtr to the object type automatically.


SkeletonPtr getSkeleton(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid

Returns a skeleton for the given type or an exception if not found.

instance static

static ORB & instance();

Returns a reference to the global ORB.


bool invoke(
    const std::string & uriPath,
    std::istream & in,
    std::ostream & out,
    Transport & transport

Mostly used by skeletons. Returns false if the object was not found. It is up to the calling transport to handle this error!


void registerClass(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    ProxyFactory * pProxy,
    Skeleton * pSkel

Registers a proxy factory for the given class and the skeleton. Takes ownership of all pointers. Duplicate registration of a class is ignored!


void registerListener(
    Listener * pListener

Registers listeners at the ORB, ORB takes ownership of the listener object. The local endpoint of the Listeners must be unique and will result in an exception if not. In this case, the ORB will delete the pointer to the object.


void registerObject(
    ORB::RemoteObjectPtr pRO,
    const std::string & uri

Adds an remote Object to the ORB: a class must have already been registered for the type! Duplicate registration of an object yields an exception! If the registration fails due to the ORB being in shutdown mode, an exception is thrown. A classhandler for the object must exist, a listener also. Takes ownership of the RemoteObject.


void registerProxyFactory(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    ProxyFactory * pProxy

Registers a proxy factory for the given class. Takes ownership of all pointers. Duplicate registration of a class is ignored!


void registerSkeleton(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    Skeleton * pSkel

Registers a skeleton for the given class. Takes ownership of all pointers. Duplicate registration of a class is ignored!


void shutdown();

Stops all listeners and removes them plus all objects and skeletons from the orb


void unregisterClass(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    bool autoRemoveObjects = false

Unregisters a proxy factory for the given type and its skeleton, if found. If objects are still registered and autoRemoveObjects is false, it will fail with a RemotingException.


void unregisterListener(
    const std::string & listenerEndPoint,
    bool autoRemoveObjects = false

Unregisters listeners at the ORB, if found. Will automatically removes all objects associated with that listener if autoRemoveObjects is set to true, otherwise it will check if objects are still registered and will fail with a RemotingException

unregisterObject inline

void unregisterObject(
    const std::string & uri

Removes a remote Object from the ORB, if found. Skeleton and Transport must still exist!

unregisterProxyFactory inline

void unregisterProxyFactory(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid

Unregisters a proxy factory for the given type, if found.

unregisterSkeleton inline

void unregisterSkeleton(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    bool autoRemoveObjects = false

Unregisters a skeleton for the given type, if found. If objects are still registered and autoRemoveObjects is false, it will fail with a RemotingException.