
class StreamCopier

Library: Foundation
Package: Streams
Header: Poco/StreamCopier.h


This class provides static methods to copy the contents from one stream into another.

Member Summary

Member Functions: copyStream, copyStreamUnbuffered, copyToString

Member Functions

copyStream static

static std::streamsize copyStream(
    std::istream & istr,
    std::ostream & ostr,
    unsigned bufferSize = 8192

Writes all bytes readable from istr to ostr, using an internal buffer.

Returns the number of bytes copied.

copyStreamUnbuffered static

static std::streamsize copyStreamUnbuffered(
    std::istream & istr,
    std::ostream & ostr

Writes all bytes readable from istr to ostr.

Returns the number of bytes copied.

copyToString static

static std::streamsize copyToString(
    std::istream & istr,
    std::string & str,
    unsigned bufferSize = 8192

Appends all bytes readable from istr to the given string, using an internal buffer.

Returns the number of bytes copied.