
class ThreadPool

Library: Foundation
Package: Threading
Header: Poco/ThreadPool.h


A thread pool always keeps a number of threads running, ready to accept work. Creating and starting a threads can impose a significant runtime overhead to an application. A thread pool helps to improve the performance of an application by reducing the number of threads that have to be created (and destroyed again). Threads in a thread pool are re-used once they become available again. The thread pool always keeps a minimum number of threads running. If the demans for threads increases, additional threads are created. Once the demand for threads sinks again, no-longer used threads are stopped and removed from the pool.

Member Summary

Member Functions: addCapacity, allocated, available, capacity, collect, createThread, defaultPool, getStackSize, getThread, housekeep, joinAll, setStackSize, start, startWithPriority, stopAll, used



    int minCapacity = 2,
    int maxCapacity = 16,
    int idleTime = 60,
    int stackSize = 0


    const std::string & name,
    int minCapacity = 2,
    int maxCapacity = 16,
    int idleTime = 60,
    int stackSize = 0

Creates a thread pool with minCapacity threads. If required, up to maxCapacity threads are created a NoThreadAvailableException exception is thrown. If a thread is running idle for more than idleTime seconds, and more than minCapacity threads are running, the thread is killed. Threads are created with given stack size.




Currently running threads will remain active until they complete.

Member Functions


void addCapacity(
    int n

Increases (or decreases, if n is negative) the maximum number of threads.


int allocated() const;

Returns the number of currently allocated threads.


int available() const;

Returns the number available threads.


int capacity() const;

Returns the maximum capacity of threads.


void collect();

Stops and removes no longer used threads from the thread pool. Can be called at various times in an application's life time to help the thread pool manage its threads. Calling this method is optional, as the thread pool is also implicitly managed in calls to start(), addCapacity() and joinAll().

defaultPool static

static ThreadPool & defaultPool();

Returns a reference to the default thread pool.

getStackSize inline

int getStackSize() const;

Returns the stack size used to create new threads.


void joinAll();

Waits for all threads to complete.

setStackSize inline

void setStackSize(
    int stackSize

Sets the stack size for threads. New stack size applies only for newly created threads.


void start(
    Runnable & target

Obtains a thread and starts the target. Throws a NoThreadAvailableException if no more threads are available.


void start(
    Runnable & target,
    const std::string & name

Obtains a thread and starts the target. Assigns the given name to the thread. Throws a NoThreadAvailableException if no more threads are available.


void startWithPriority(
    Thread::Priority priority,
    Runnable & target

Obtains a thread, adjusts the thread's priority, and starts the target. Throws a NoThreadAvailableException if no more threads are available.


void startWithPriority(
    Thread::Priority priority,
    Runnable & target,
    const std::string & name

Obtains a thread, adjusts the thread's priority, and starts the target. Assigns the given name to the thread. Throws a NoThreadAvailableException if no more threads are available.


void stopAll();

Stops all running threads. Will also delete all thread objects. If used, this method should be the last action before the thread pool is deleted.


int used() const;

Returns the number of currently used threads.

createThread protected

PooledThread * createThread();

getThread protected

PooledThread * getThread();

housekeep protected

void housekeep();