
class URI

Library: Foundation
Package: URI
Header: Poco/URI.h


A Uniform Resource Identifier, as specified in RFC 3986.

The URI class provides methods for building URIs from their parts, as well as for splitting URIs into their parts. Furthermore, the class provides methods for resolving relative URIs against base URIs.

The class automatically performs a few normalizations on all URIs and URI parts passed to it:

Member Summary

Member Functions: buildPath, clear, decode, empty, encode, equals, getAuthority, getFragment, getHost, getPath, getPathAndQuery, getPathEtc, getPathSegments, getPort, getQuery, getRawQuery, getScheme, getUserInfo, getWellKnownPort, isRelative, isWellKnownPort, mergePath, normalize, operator, operator !=, operator =, parse, parseAuthority, parseFragment, parseHostAndPort, parsePath, parsePathEtc, parseQuery, removeDotSegments, resolve, setAuthority, setFragment, setHost, setPath, setPathEtc, setPort, setQuery, setRawQuery, setScheme, setUserInfo, swap, toString




Creates an empty URI.


explicit URI(
    const std::string & uri

Parses an URI from the given string. Throws a SyntaxException if the uri is not valid.


explicit URI(
    const char * uri

Parses an URI from the given string. Throws a SyntaxException if the uri is not valid.


    const URI & uri

Copy constructor. Creates an URI from another one.


    const std::string & scheme,
    const std::string & pathEtc

Creates an URI from its parts.


    const URI & baseURI,
    const std::string & relativeURI

Creates an URI from a base URI and a relative URI, according to the algorithm in section 5.2 of RFC 3986.


    const std::string & scheme,
    const std::string & authority,
    const std::string & pathEtc

Creates an URI from its parts.


    const std::string & scheme,
    const std::string & authority,
    const std::string & path,
    const std::string & query

Creates an URI from its parts.


    const std::string & scheme,
    const std::string & authority,
    const std::string & path,
    const std::string & query,
    const std::string & fragment

Creates an URI from its parts.




Destroys the URI.

Member Functions


void clear();

Clears all parts of the URI.

decode static

static void decode(
    const std::string & str,
    std::string & decodedStr

URI-decodes the given string by replacing percent-encoded characters with the actual character. The decoded string is appended to decodedStr.


bool empty() const;

Returns true if the URI is empty, false otherwise.

encode static

static void encode(
    const std::string & str,
    const std::string & reserved,
    std::string & encodedStr

URI-encodes the given string by escaping reserved and non-ASCII characters. The encoded string is appended to encodedStr.


std::string getAuthority() const;

Returns the authority part (userInfo, host and port) of the URI.

If the port number is a well-known port number for the given scheme (e.g., 80 for http), it is not included in the authority.

getFragment inline

const std::string & getFragment() const;

Returns the fragment part of the URI.

getHost inline

const std::string & getHost() const;

Returns the host part of the URI.

getPath inline

const std::string & getPath() const;

Returns the path part of the URI.


std::string getPathAndQuery() const;

Returns the path and query parts of the URI.


std::string getPathEtc() const;

Returns the path, query and fragment parts of the URI.


void getPathSegments(
    std::vector < std::string > & segments

Places the single path segments (delimited by slashes) into the given vector.


unsigned short getPort() const;

Returns the port number part of the URI.

If no port number (0) has been specified, the well-known port number (e.g., 80 for http) for the given scheme is returned if it is known. Otherwise, 0 is returned.


std::string getQuery() const;

Returns the query part of the URI.

getRawQuery inline

const std::string & getRawQuery() const;

Returns the unencoded query part of the URI.

getScheme inline

const std::string & getScheme() const;

Returns the scheme part of the URI.

getUserInfo inline

const std::string & getUserInfo() const;

Returns the user-info part of the URI.


bool isRelative() const;

Returns true if the URI is a relative reference, false otherwise.

A relative reference does not contain a scheme identifier. Relative references are usually resolved against an absolute base reference.


void normalize();

Normalizes the URI by removing all but leading . and .. segments from the path.

If the first path segment in a relative path contains a colon (:), such as in a Windows path containing a drive letter, a dot segment (./) is prepended in accordance with section 3.3 of RFC 3986.


bool operator == (
    const URI & uri
) const;

Returns true if both URIs are identical, false otherwise.

Two URIs are identical if their scheme, authority, path, query and fragment part are identical.


bool operator == (
    const std::string & uri
) const;

Parses the given URI and returns true if both URIs are identical, false otherwise.

operator !=

bool operator != (
    const URI & uri
) const;

Returns true if both URIs are identical, false otherwise.

operator !=

bool operator != (
    const std::string & uri
) const;

Parses the given URI and returns true if both URIs are identical, false otherwise.

operator =

URI & operator = (
    const URI & uri

Assignment operator.

operator =

URI & operator = (
    const std::string & uri

Parses and assigns an URI from the given string. Throws a SyntaxException if the uri is not valid.

operator =

URI & operator = (
    const char * uri

Parses and assigns an URI from the given string. Throws a SyntaxException if the uri is not valid.


void resolve(
    const std::string & relativeURI

Resolves the given relative URI against the base URI. See section 5.2 of RFC 3986 for the algorithm used.


void resolve(
    const URI & relativeURI

Resolves the given relative URI against the base URI. See section 5.2 of RFC 3986 for the algorithm used.


void setAuthority(
    const std::string & authority

Parses the given authority part for the URI and sets the user-info, host, port components accordingly.


void setFragment(
    const std::string & fragment

Sets the fragment part of the URI.


void setHost(
    const std::string & host

Sets the host part of the URI.


void setPath(
    const std::string & path

Sets the path part of the URI.


void setPathEtc(
    const std::string & pathEtc

Sets the path, query and fragment parts of the URI.


void setPort(
    unsigned short port

Sets the port number part of the URI.


void setQuery(
    const std::string & query

Sets the query part of the URI.


void setRawQuery(
    const std::string & query

Sets the query part of the URI.


void setScheme(
    const std::string & scheme

Sets the scheme part of the URI. The given scheme is converted to lower-case.

A list of registered URI schemes can be found at <http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes>.


void setUserInfo(
    const std::string & userInfo

Sets the user-info part of the URI.


void swap(
    URI & uri

Swaps the URI with another one.


std::string toString() const;

Returns a string representation of the URI.

Characters in the path, query and fragment parts will be percent-encoded as necessary.

buildPath protected

void buildPath(
    const std::vector < std::string > & segments,
    bool leadingSlash,
    bool trailingSlash

Builds the path from the given segments.

equals protected

bool equals(
    const URI & uri
) const;

Returns true if both uri's are equivalent.

getPathSegments protected static

static void getPathSegments(
    const std::string & path,
    std::vector < std::string > & segments

Places the single path segments (delimited by slashes) into the given vector.

getWellKnownPort protected

unsigned short getWellKnownPort() const;

Returns the well-known port number for the URI's scheme, or 0 if the port number is not known.

isWellKnownPort protected

bool isWellKnownPort() const;

Returns true if the URI's port number is a well-known one (for example, 80, if the scheme is http).

mergePath protected

void mergePath(
    const std::string & path

Appends a path to the URI's path.

parse protected

void parse(
    const std::string & uri

Parses and assigns an URI from the given string. Throws a SyntaxException if the uri is not valid.

parseAuthority protected

void parseAuthority(
    std::string::const_iterator & it,
    const std::string::const_iterator & end

Parses and sets the user-info, host and port from the given data.

parseFragment protected

void parseFragment(
    std::string::const_iterator & it,
    const std::string::const_iterator & end

Parses and sets the fragment from the given data.

parseHostAndPort protected

void parseHostAndPort(
    std::string::const_iterator & it,
    const std::string::const_iterator & end

Parses and sets the host and port from the given data.

parsePath protected

void parsePath(
    std::string::const_iterator & it,
    const std::string::const_iterator & end

Parses and sets the path from the given data.

parsePathEtc protected

void parsePathEtc(
    std::string::const_iterator & it,
    const std::string::const_iterator & end

Parses and sets the path, query and fragment from the given data.

parseQuery protected

void parseQuery(
    std::string::const_iterator & it,
    const std::string::const_iterator & end

Parses and sets the query from the given data.

removeDotSegments protected

void removeDotSegments(
    bool removeLeading = true

Removes all dot segments from the path.


ILLEGAL protected static

static const std::string ILLEGAL;

RESERVED_FRAGMENT protected static

static const std::string RESERVED_FRAGMENT;

RESERVED_PATH protected static

static const std::string RESERVED_PATH;

RESERVED_QUERY protected static

static const std::string RESERVED_QUERY;