
class LayeredConfiguration

Library: Util
Package: Configuration
Header: Poco/Util/LayeredConfiguration.h


A LayeredConfiguration consists of a number of AbstractConfigurations.

When reading a configuration property in a LayeredConfiguration, all added configurations are searched, in order of their priority. Configurations with lower priority values have precedence.

When setting a property, the property is always written to the first writeable configuration (see addWriteable()). If no writeable configuration has been added to the LayeredConfiguration, and an attempt is made to set a property, a RuntimeException is thrown.

Every configuration added to the LayeredConfiguration has a priority value. The priority determines the position where the configuration is inserted, with lower priority values coming before higher priority values.

If no priority is specified, a priority of 0 is assumed.


Direct Base Classes: AbstractConfiguration

All Base Classes: Poco::RefCountedObject, AbstractConfiguration

Member Summary

Member Functions: add, addFront, addWriteable, enumerate, getRaw, highest, insert, lowest, setRaw

Inherited Functions: createView, duplicate, enumerate, expand, getBool, getDouble, getInt, getRaw, getRawString, getString, hasOption, hasProperty, keys, parseBool, parseInt, referenceCount, release, setBool, setDouble, setInt, setRaw, setString

Nested Classes

struct ConfigItem protected



ConfigPtr protected

typedef Poco::AutoPtr < AbstractConfiguration > ConfigPtr;




Creates the LayeredConfiguration.


~LayeredConfiguration protected virtual


Member Functions


void add(
    AbstractConfiguration * pConfig

Adds a read-only configuration to the back of the LayeredConfiguration. The LayeredConfiguration does not take ownership of the given configuration. In other words, the configuration's reference count is incremented.


void add(
    AbstractConfiguration * pConfig,
    bool shared

Adds a read-only configuration to the back of the LayeredConfiguration. If shared is false, the LayeredConfiguration takes ownership of the given configuration (and the configuration's reference count remains unchanged).


void add(
    AbstractConfiguration * pConfig,
    int priority

Adds a read-only configuration to the LayeredConfiguration. The LayeredConfiguration does not take ownership of the given configuration. In other words, the configuration's reference count is incremented.


void add(
    AbstractConfiguration * pConfig,
    int priority,
    bool shared

Adds a read-only configuration the LayeredConfiguration. If shared is false, the LayeredConfiguration takes ownership of the given configuration (and the configuration's reference count remains unchanged).


void add(
    AbstractConfiguration * pConfig,
    int priority,
    bool writeable,
    bool shared

Adds a configuration to the LayeredConfiguration. If shared is false, the LayeredConfiguration takes ownership of the given configuration (and the configuration's reference count remains unchanged).


void addFront(
    AbstractConfiguration * pConfig

Deprecated. This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.

Adds a read-only configuration to the front of the LayeredConfiguration. The LayeredConfiguration does not take ownership of the given configuration. In other words, the configuration's reference count is incremented.


void addFront(
    AbstractConfiguration * pConfig,
    bool shared

Deprecated. This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.

Adds a read-only configuration to the front of the LayeredConfiguration. If shared is true, the LayeredConfiguration takes ownership of the given configuration.


void addWriteable(
    AbstractConfiguration * pConfig,
    int priority

Adds a writeable configuration to the LayeredConfiguration. The LayeredConfiguration does not take ownership of the given configuration. In other words, the configuration's reference count is incremented.


void addWriteable(
    AbstractConfiguration * pConfig,
    int priority,
    bool shared

Adds a writeable configuration to the LayeredConfiguration. If shared is false, the LayeredConfiguration takes ownership of the given configuration (and the configuration's reference count remains unchanged).

enumerate protected virtual

void enumerate(
    const std::string & key,
    Keys & range
) const;

See also: Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::enumerate()

getRaw protected virtual

bool getRaw(
    const std::string & key,
    std::string & value
) const;

See also: Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::getRaw()

highest protected

int highest() const;

insert protected

void insert(
    const ConfigItem & item

lowest protected

int lowest() const;

setRaw protected virtual

void setRaw(
    const std::string & key,
    const std::string & value

See also: Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::setRaw()