
class ServerApplication

Library: Util
Package: Application
Header: Poco/Util/ServerApplication.h


A subclass of the Application class that is used for implementing server applications.

A ServerApplication allows for the application to run as a Windows service or as a Unix daemon without the need to add extra code.

For a ServerApplication to work both from the command line and as a daemon or service, a few rules must be met:

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    MyServerApplication app;
    return app.run(argc, argv);

The POCO_SERVER_MAIN macro can be used to implement main(argc, argv). If POCO has been built with POCO_WIN32_UTF8, POCO_SERVER_MAIN supports Unicode command line arguments.

On Windows platforms, an application built on top of the ServerApplication class can be run both from the command line or as a service.

To run an application as a Windows service, it must be registered with the Windows Service Control Manager (SCM). To do this, the application can be started from the command line, with the /registerService option specified. This causes the application to register itself with the SCM, and then exit. Similarly, an application registered as a service can be unregistered, by specifying the /unregisterService option. The file name of the application executable (excluding the .exe suffix) is used as the service name. Additionally, a more user-friendly name can be specified, using the /displayName option (e.g., /displayName="Demo Service").

An application can determine whether it is running as a service by checking for the "application.runAsService" configuration property.

if (config().getBool("application.runAsService", false))
    // do service specific things

Note that the working directory for an application running as a service is the Windows system directory (e.g., C:\Windows\system32). Take this into account when working with relative filesystem paths.

An application registered as a Windows service can be started with the NET START <name> command and stopped with the NET STOP <name> command. Alternatively, the Services MMC applet can be used.

On Unix platforms, an application built on top of the ServerApplication class can be optionally run as a daemon. A daemon, when launched, immediately forks off a background process that does the actual work. After launching the background process, the foreground process exits.

After the initialization is complete, but before entering the main() method, the current working directory for the daemon process is changed to the root directory ("/"), as it is common practice for daemon processes. Therefore, be careful when working with files, as relative paths may not point to where you expect them point to.

An application can determine whether it is running as a daemon by checking for the "application.runAsDaemon" configuration property.

if (config().getBool("application.runAsDaemon", false))
    // do daemon specific things


Direct Base Classes: Application

All Base Classes: Poco::RefCountedObject, Application, Subsystem

Member Summary

Member Functions: defineOptions, handleOption, isInteractive, run, terminate, waitForTerminationRequest

Inherited Functions: addSubsystem, commandName, config, defineOptions, duplicate, findFile, getSubsystem, handleOption, init, initialize, initialized, instance, loadConfiguration, logger, main, name, options, referenceCount, reinitialize, release, run, setLogger, setUnixOptions, startTime, stopOptionsProcessing, uninitialize, uptime




Creates the ServerApplication.


~ServerApplication virtual


Destroys the ServerApplication.

Member Functions


bool isInteractive() const;

Returns true if the application runs from the command line. Returns false if the application runs as a Unix daemon or Windows service.


int run(
    int argc,
    char * * argv

Runs the application by performing additional initializations and calling the main() method.


int run(
    int argc,
    wchar_t * * argv

Runs the application by performing additional initializations and calling the main() method.

This Windows-specific version of init is used for passing Unicode command line arguments from wmain().

defineOptions protected virtual

void defineOptions(
    OptionSet & options

See also: Poco::Util::Application::defineOptions()

handleOption protected virtual

void handleOption(
    const std::string & name,
    const std::string & value

See also: Poco::Util::Application::handleOption()

run protected virtual

int run();

See also: Poco::Util::Application::run()

terminate protected static

static void terminate();

waitForTerminationRequest protected

void waitForTerminationRequest();