
class ParserEngine

Library: XML
Package: XML
Header: Poco/XML/ParserEngine.h


This class provides an object-oriented, stream-based, low-level interface to the XML Parser Toolkit (expat). It is strongly recommended, that you use the SAX parser classes (which are based on this class) instead of this class, since they provide a standardized, higher-level interface to the parser.


Direct Base Classes: Locator

All Base Classes: Locator

Member Summary

Member Functions: addEncoding, convert, getColumnNumber, getContentHandler, getDTDHandler, getDeclHandler, getEncoding, getEntityResolver, getErrorHandler, getExpandInternalEntities, getExternalGeneralEntities, getExternalParameterEntities, getLexicalHandler, getLineNumber, getNamespaceStrategy, getPublicId, getSystemId, handleCharacterData, handleComment, handleDefault, handleEndCdataSection, handleEndDoctypeDecl, handleEndElement, handleEndNamespaceDecl, handleEntityDecl, handleError, handleExternalEntityRef, handleExternalParsedEntityDecl, handleInternalParsedEntityDecl, handleNotationDecl, handleProcessingInstruction, handleSkippedEntity, handleStartCdataSection, handleStartDoctypeDecl, handleStartElement, handleStartNamespaceDecl, handleUnknownEncoding, handleUnparsedEntityDecl, init, locator, parse, parseByteInputStream, parseCharInputStream, parseExternal, parseExternalByteInputStream, parseExternalCharInputStream, popContext, pushContext, resetContext, setContentHandler, setDTDHandler, setDeclHandler, setEncoding, setEntityResolver, setErrorHandler, setExpandInternalEntities, setExternalGeneralEntities, setExternalParameterEntities, setLexicalHandler, setNamespaceStrategy

Inherited Functions: getColumnNumber, getLineNumber, getPublicId, getSystemId




Creates the parser engine.


    const XMLString & encoding

Creates the parser engine and passes the encoding to the underlying parser.


~ParserEngine virtual


Destroys the parser.

Member Functions


void addEncoding(
    const XMLString & name,
    Poco::TextEncoding * pEncoding

Adds an encoding to the parser.

getColumnNumber virtual

int getColumnNumber() const;

Return the column number where the current document event ends.

See also: Poco::XML::Locator::getColumnNumber()

getContentHandler inline

ContentHandler * getContentHandler() const;

Return the current content handler.

getDTDHandler inline

DTDHandler * getDTDHandler() const;

Return the current DTD handler.

getDeclHandler inline

DeclHandler * getDeclHandler() const;

Return the current DTD declarations handler.

getEncoding inline

const XMLString & getEncoding() const;

Returns the encoding used by expat.

getEntityResolver inline

EntityResolver * getEntityResolver() const;

Return the current entity resolver.

getErrorHandler inline

ErrorHandler * getErrorHandler() const;

Return the current error handler.

getExpandInternalEntities inline

bool getExpandInternalEntities() const;

Returns true if internal entities will be expanded automatically, which is the default.

getExternalGeneralEntities inline

bool getExternalGeneralEntities() const;

Returns true if external general entities will be processed; false otherwise.

getExternalParameterEntities inline

bool getExternalParameterEntities() const;

Returns true if external parameter entities will be processed; false otherwise.

getLexicalHandler inline

LexicalHandler * getLexicalHandler() const;

Return the current lexical handler.

getLineNumber virtual

int getLineNumber() const;

Return the line number where the current document event ends.

See also: Poco::XML::Locator::getLineNumber()

getNamespaceStrategy inline

NamespaceStrategy * getNamespaceStrategy() const;

Returns the NamespaceStrategy currently in use.

getPublicId virtual

XMLString getPublicId() const;

Return the public identifier for the current document event.

See also: Poco::XML::Locator::getPublicId()

getSystemId virtual

XMLString getSystemId() const;

Return the system identifier for the current document event.

See also: Poco::XML::Locator::getSystemId()


void parse(
    InputSource * pInputSource

Parse an XML document from the given InputSource.


void parse(
    const char * pBuffer,
    std::size_t size

Parses an XML document from the given buffer.


void setContentHandler(
    ContentHandler * pContentHandler

Allow an application to register a content event handler.


void setDTDHandler(
    DTDHandler * pDTDHandler

Allow an application to register a DTD event handler.


void setDeclHandler(
    DeclHandler * pDeclHandler

Allow an application to register a DTD declarations event handler.


void setEncoding(
    const XMLString & encoding

Sets the encoding used by expat. The encoding must be set before parsing begins, otherwise it will be ignored.


void setEntityResolver(
    EntityResolver * pResolver

Allow an application to register an entity resolver.


void setErrorHandler(
    ErrorHandler * pErrorHandler

Allow an application to register an error event handler.


void setExpandInternalEntities(
    bool flag = true

Enables/disables expansion of internal entities (enabled by default). If entity expansion is disabled, internal entities are reported via the default handler. Must be set before parsing begins, otherwise it will be ignored.


void setExternalGeneralEntities(
    bool flag = true

Enable or disable processing of external general entities.


void setExternalParameterEntities(
    bool flag = true

Enable or disable processing of external parameter entities.


void setLexicalHandler(
    LexicalHandler * pLexicalHandler

Allow an application to register a lexical event handler.


void setNamespaceStrategy(
    NamespaceStrategy * pStrategy

Sets the NamespaceStrategy used by the parser. The parser takes ownership of the strategy object and deletes it when it's no longer needed. The default is NoNamespacesStrategy.

convert protected static

static int convert(
    void * data,
    const char * s

handleCharacterData protected static

static void handleCharacterData(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * s,
    int len

handleComment protected static

static void handleComment(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * data

handleDefault protected static

static void handleDefault(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * s,
    int len

handleEndCdataSection protected static

static void handleEndCdataSection(
    void * userData

handleEndDoctypeDecl protected static

static void handleEndDoctypeDecl(
    void * userData

handleEndElement protected static

static void handleEndElement(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * name

handleEndNamespaceDecl protected static

static void handleEndNamespaceDecl(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * prefix

handleEntityDecl protected static

static void handleEntityDecl(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * entityName,
    int isParamEntity,
    const XML_Char * value,
    int valueLength,
    const XML_Char * base,
    const XML_Char * systemId,
    const XML_Char * publicId,
    const XML_Char * notationName

handleError protected

void handleError(
    int errorNo

Throws an XMLException with a message corresponding to the given Expat error code.

handleExternalEntityRef protected static

static int handleExternalEntityRef(
    XML_Parser parser,
    const XML_Char * openEntityNames,
    const XML_Char * base,
    const XML_Char * systemId,
    const XML_Char * publicId

handleExternalParsedEntityDecl protected static

static void handleExternalParsedEntityDecl(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * entityName,
    const XML_Char * base,
    const XML_Char * systemId,
    const XML_Char * publicId

handleInternalParsedEntityDecl protected static

static void handleInternalParsedEntityDecl(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * entityName,
    const XML_Char * replacementText,
    int replacementTextLength

handleNotationDecl protected static

static void handleNotationDecl(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * notationName,
    const XML_Char * base,
    const XML_Char * systemId,
    const XML_Char * publicId

handleProcessingInstruction protected static

static void handleProcessingInstruction(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * target,
    const XML_Char * data

handleSkippedEntity protected static

static void handleSkippedEntity(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * entityName,
    int isParameterEntity

handleStartCdataSection protected static

static void handleStartCdataSection(
    void * userData

handleStartDoctypeDecl protected static

static void handleStartDoctypeDecl(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * doctypeName,
    const XML_Char * systemId,
    const XML_Char * publicId,
    int hasInternalSubset

handleStartElement protected static

static void handleStartElement(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * name,
    const XML_Char * * atts

handleStartNamespaceDecl protected static

static void handleStartNamespaceDecl(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * prefix,
    const XML_Char * uri

handleUnknownEncoding protected static

static int handleUnknownEncoding(
    void * encodingHandlerData,
    const XML_Char * name,
    XML_Encoding * info

handleUnparsedEntityDecl protected static

static void handleUnparsedEntityDecl(
    void * userData,
    const XML_Char * entityName,
    const XML_Char * base,
    const XML_Char * systemId,
    const XML_Char * publicId,
    const XML_Char * notationName

init protected

void init();

initializes expat

locator protected

const Locator & locator() const;

Returns a locator denoting the current parse location.

parseByteInputStream protected

void parseByteInputStream(
    XMLByteInputStream & istr

Parses an entity from the given stream.

parseCharInputStream protected

void parseCharInputStream(
    XMLCharInputStream & istr

Parses an entity from the given stream.

parseExternal protected

void parseExternal(
    XML_Parser extParser,
    InputSource * pInputSource

Parse an XML document from the given InputSource.

parseExternalByteInputStream protected

void parseExternalByteInputStream(
    XML_Parser extParser,
    XMLByteInputStream & istr

Parses an external entity from the given stream, with a separate parser.

parseExternalCharInputStream protected

void parseExternalCharInputStream(
    XML_Parser extParser,
    XMLCharInputStream & istr

Parses an external entity from the given stream, with a separate parser.

popContext protected

void popContext();

Pops the top-most entry from the context stack.

pushContext protected

void pushContext(
    XML_Parser parser,
    InputSource * pInputSource

Pushes a new entry to the context stack.

resetContext protected

void resetContext();

Resets and clears the context stack.