
class XMLFilterImpl

Library: XML
Package: SAX
Header: Poco/SAX/XMLFilterImpl.h


Base class for deriving an XML filter.

This class is designed to sit between an XMLReader and the client application's event handlers. By default, it does nothing but pass requests up to the reader and events on to the handlers unmodified, but subclasses can override specific methods to modify the event stream or the configuration requests as they pass through.


Direct Base Classes: XMLFilter, EntityResolver, DTDHandler, ContentHandler, ErrorHandler

All Base Classes: ContentHandler, DTDHandler, EntityResolver, ErrorHandler, XMLFilter, XMLReader

Known Derived Classes: WhitespaceFilter

Member Summary

Member Functions: characters, endDocument, endElement, endPrefixMapping, error, fatalError, getContentHandler, getDTDHandler, getEntityResolver, getErrorHandler, getFeature, getParent, getProperty, ignorableWhitespace, notationDecl, parent, parse, parseMemoryNP, processingInstruction, releaseInputSource, resolveEntity, setContentHandler, setDTDHandler, setDocumentLocator, setEntityResolver, setErrorHandler, setFeature, setParent, setProperty, setupParse, skippedEntity, startDocument, startElement, startPrefixMapping, unparsedEntityDecl, warning

Inherited Functions: characters, endDocument, endElement, endPrefixMapping, error, fatalError, getContentHandler, getDTDHandler, getEntityResolver, getErrorHandler, getFeature, getParent, getProperty, ignorableWhitespace, notationDecl, parse, parseMemoryNP, processingInstruction, releaseInputSource, resolveEntity, setContentHandler, setDTDHandler, setDocumentLocator, setEntityResolver, setErrorHandler, setFeature, setParent, setProperty, skippedEntity, startDocument, startElement, startPrefixMapping, unparsedEntityDecl, warning




Construct an empty XML filter, with no parent.

This filter will have no parent: you must assign a parent before you start a parse or do any configuration with setFeature or setProperty, unless you use this as a pure event consumer rather than as an XMLReader.


    XMLReader * pParent

Construct an XML filter with the specified parent.


~XMLFilterImpl virtual


Destroys the XMLFilterImpl.

Member Functions

characters virtual

void characters(
    const XMLChar ch[],
    int start,
    int length

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::characters()

endDocument virtual

void endDocument();

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::endDocument()

endElement virtual

void endElement(
    const XMLString & uri,
    const XMLString & localName,
    const XMLString & qname

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::endElement()

endPrefixMapping virtual

void endPrefixMapping(
    const XMLString & prefix

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::endPrefixMapping()

error virtual

void error(
    const SAXException & e

See also: Poco::XML::ErrorHandler::error()

fatalError virtual

void fatalError(
    const SAXException & e

See also: Poco::XML::ErrorHandler::fatalError()

getContentHandler virtual

ContentHandler * getContentHandler() const;

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::getContentHandler()

getDTDHandler virtual

DTDHandler * getDTDHandler() const;

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::getDTDHandler()

getEntityResolver virtual

EntityResolver * getEntityResolver() const;

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::getEntityResolver()

getErrorHandler virtual

ErrorHandler * getErrorHandler() const;

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::getErrorHandler()

getFeature virtual

bool getFeature(
    const XMLString & featureId
) const;

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::getFeature()

getParent virtual

XMLReader * getParent() const;

See also: Poco::XML::XMLFilter::getParent()

getProperty virtual

void * getProperty(
    const XMLString & propertyId
) const;

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::getProperty()

ignorableWhitespace virtual

void ignorableWhitespace(
    const XMLChar ch[],
    int start,
    int length

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::ignorableWhitespace()

notationDecl virtual

void notationDecl(
    const XMLString & name,
    const XMLString * publicId,
    const XMLString * systemId

See also: Poco::XML::DTDHandler::notationDecl()

parse virtual

void parse(
    InputSource * pSource

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::parse()

parse virtual

void parse(
    const XMLString & systemId

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::parse()

parseMemoryNP virtual

void parseMemoryNP(
    const char * xml,
    std::size_t size

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::parseMemoryNP()

processingInstruction virtual

void processingInstruction(
    const XMLString & target,
    const XMLString & data

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::processingInstruction()

releaseInputSource virtual

void releaseInputSource(
    InputSource * pSource

See also: Poco::XML::EntityResolver::releaseInputSource()

resolveEntity virtual

InputSource * resolveEntity(
    const XMLString * publicId,
    const XMLString & systemId

See also: Poco::XML::EntityResolver::resolveEntity()

setContentHandler virtual

void setContentHandler(
    ContentHandler * pContentHandler

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::setContentHandler()

setDTDHandler virtual

void setDTDHandler(
    DTDHandler * pDTDHandler

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::setDTDHandler()

setDocumentLocator virtual

void setDocumentLocator(
    const Locator * loc

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::setDocumentLocator()

setEntityResolver virtual

void setEntityResolver(
    EntityResolver * pResolver

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::setEntityResolver()

setErrorHandler virtual

void setErrorHandler(
    ErrorHandler * pErrorHandler

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::setErrorHandler()

setFeature virtual

void setFeature(
    const XMLString & featureId,
    bool state

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::setFeature()

setParent virtual

void setParent(
    XMLReader * pParent

See also: Poco::XML::XMLFilter::setParent()

setProperty virtual

void setProperty(
    const XMLString & propertyId,
    const XMLString & value

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::setProperty()

setProperty virtual

void setProperty(
    const XMLString & propertyId,
    void * value

See also: Poco::XML::XMLReader::setProperty()

skippedEntity virtual

void skippedEntity(
    const XMLString & prefix

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::skippedEntity()

startDocument virtual

void startDocument();

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::startDocument()

startElement virtual

void startElement(
    const XMLString & uri,
    const XMLString & localName,
    const XMLString & qname,
    const Attributes & attrList

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::startElement()

startPrefixMapping virtual

void startPrefixMapping(
    const XMLString & prefix,
    const XMLString & uri

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::startPrefixMapping()

unparsedEntityDecl virtual

void unparsedEntityDecl(
    const XMLString & name,
    const XMLString * publicId,
    const XMLString & systemId,
    const XMLString & notationName

See also: Poco::XML::DTDHandler::unparsedEntityDecl()

warning virtual

void warning(
    const SAXException & e

See also: Poco::XML::ErrorHandler::warning()

parent protected inline

XMLReader * parent() const;

Return a pointer to the parent reader. Subclasses can use this method instead of getParent() for better performance - this method is non-virtual and implemented as inline.

setupParse protected virtual

virtual void setupParse();

Setup the event handlers in the parent reader.