
class DatagramSocket

Library: Net
Package: Sockets
Header: Poco/Net/DatagramSocket.h


This class provides an interface to an UDP stream socket.


Direct Base Classes: Socket

All Base Classes: Socket

Known Derived Classes: MulticastSocket

Member Summary

Member Functions: bind, connect, getBroadcast, operator =, receiveBytes, receiveFrom, sendBytes, sendTo, setBroadcast

Inherited Functions: address, available, close, getBlocking, getKeepAlive, getLinger, getNoDelay, getOOBInline, getOption, getReceiveBufferSize, getReceiveTimeout, getReuseAddress, getReusePort, getSendBufferSize, getSendTimeout, impl, operator, operator !=, operator <, operator <=, operator =, operator >, operator >=, peerAddress, poll, select, setBlocking, setKeepAlive, setLinger, setNoDelay, setOOBInline, setOption, setReceiveBufferSize, setReceiveTimeout, setReuseAddress, setReusePort, setSendBufferSize, setSendTimeout, sockfd, supportsIPv4, supportsIPv6




Creates an unconnected IPv4 datagram socket.


    IPAddress::Family family

Creates an unconnected datagram socket.

The socket will be created for the given address family.


    const Socket & socket

Creates the DatagramSocket with the SocketImpl from another socket. The SocketImpl must be a DatagramSocketImpl, otherwise an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.


    const SocketAddress & address,
    bool reuseAddress = false

Creates a datagram socket and binds it to the given address.

Depending on the address family, the socket will be either an IPv4 or an IPv6 socket.

DatagramSocket protected

    SocketImpl * pImpl

Creates the Socket and attaches the given SocketImpl. The socket takes owership of the SocketImpl.

The SocketImpl must be a StreamSocketImpl, otherwise an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.


~DatagramSocket virtual


Destroys the DatagramSocket.

Member Functions


void bind(
    const SocketAddress & address,
    bool reuseAddress = false

Bind a local address to the socket.

This is usually only done when establishing a server socket.

If reuseAddress is true, sets the SO_REUSEADDR socket option.

Cannot be used together with connect().


void connect(
    const SocketAddress & address

Restricts incoming and outgoing packets to the specified address.

Cannot be used together with bind().

getBroadcast inline

bool getBroadcast() const;

Returns the value of the SO_BROADCAST socket option.

operator =

DatagramSocket & operator = (
    const Socket & socket

Assignment operator.

Releases the socket's SocketImpl and attaches the SocketImpl from the other socket and increments the reference count of the SocketImpl.


int receiveBytes(
    void * buffer,
    int length,
    int flags = 0

Receives data from the socket and stores it in buffer. Up to length bytes are received.

Returns the number of bytes received.


int receiveFrom(
    void * buffer,
    int length,
    SocketAddress & address,
    int flags = 0

Receives data from the socket and stores it in buffer. Up to length bytes are received. Stores the address of the sender in address.

Returns the number of bytes received.


int sendBytes(
    const void * buffer,
    int length,
    int flags = 0

Sends the contents of the given buffer through the socket.

Returns the number of bytes sent, which may be less than the number of bytes specified.


int sendTo(
    const void * buffer,
    int length,
    const SocketAddress & address,
    int flags = 0

Sends the contents of the given buffer through the socket to the given address.

Returns the number of bytes sent, which may be less than the number of bytes specified.

setBroadcast inline

void setBroadcast(
    bool flag

Sets the value of the SO_BROADCAST socket option.

Setting this flag allows sending datagrams to the broadcast address.