
class HTTPServer

Library: Net
Package: HTTPServer
Header: Poco/Net/HTTPServer.h


A subclass of TCPServer that implements a full-featured multithreaded HTTP server.

A HTTPRequestHandlerFactory must be supplied. The ServerSocket must be bound and in listening state.

To configure various aspects of the server, a HTTPServerParams object can be passed to the constructor.

The server supports:

Please see the TCPServer class for information about connection and thread handling.

See RFC 2616 <http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2616.html> for more information about the HTTP protocol.


Direct Base Classes: TCPServer

All Base Classes: TCPServer, Poco::Runnable

Member Summary

Inherited Functions: currentConnections, currentThreads, maxConcurrentConnections, params, port, queuedConnections, refusedConnections, run, start, stop, threadName, totalConnections



    HTTPRequestHandlerFactory * pFactory,
    const ServerSocket & socket,
    HTTPServerParams * pParams

Creates the HTTPServer, using the given ServerSocket.

The server takes ownership of the HTTPRequstHandlerFactory and deletes it when it's no longer needed.

The server also takes ownership of the HTTPServerParams object.

News threads are taken from the default thread pool.


    HTTPRequestHandlerFactory * pFactory,
    Poco::ThreadPool & threadPool,
    const ServerSocket & socket,
    HTTPServerParams * pParams

Creates the HTTPServer, using the given ServerSocket.

The server takes ownership of the HTTPRequstHandlerFactory and deletes it when it's no longer needed.

The server also takes ownership of the HTTPServerParams object.

News threads are taken from the given thread pool.


~HTTPServer virtual


Destroys the HTTPServer and its HTTPRequestHandlerFactory.