
class NetworkInterface

Library: Net
Package: Sockets
Header: Poco/Net/NetworkInterface.h


This class represents a network interface.

NetworkInterface is used with MulticastSocket to specify multicast interfaces for sending and receiving multicast messages.

Member Summary

Member Functions: address, broadcastAddress, displayName, forAddress, forIndex, forName, index, interfaceNameToAddress, interfaceNameToIndex, list, name, operator =, subnetMask, supportsIPv4, supportsIPv6, swap



typedef std::vector < NetworkInterface > NetworkInterfaceList;




Creates a NetworkInterface representing the default interface.

The name is empty, the IP address is the wildcard address and the index is zero.


    const NetworkInterface & interface

Creates the NetworkInterface by copying another one.

NetworkInterface protected

    const std::string & name,
    const IPAddress & address,
    int index = - 1

Creates the NetworkInterface.

NetworkInterface protected

    const std::string & name,
    const std::string & displayName,
    const IPAddress & address,
    int index = - 1

Creates the NetworkInterface.

NetworkInterface protected

    const std::string & name,
    const IPAddress & address,
    const IPAddress & subnetMask,
    const IPAddress & broadcastAddress,
    int index = - 1

Creates the NetworkInterface.

NetworkInterface protected

    const std::string & name,
    const std::string & displayName,
    const IPAddress & address,
    const IPAddress & subnetMask,
    const IPAddress & broadcastAddress,
    int index = - 1

Creates the NetworkInterface.




Destroys the NetworkInterface.

Member Functions


const IPAddress & address() const;

Returns the IP address bound to the interface.


const IPAddress & broadcastAddress() const;

Returns the IPv4 broadcast address for this network interface.


const std::string & displayName() const;

Returns the interface display name.

On Windows platforms, this is currently the network adapter name. This may change to the "friendly name" of the network connection in a future version, however.

On other platforms this is the same as name().

forAddress static

static NetworkInterface forAddress(
    const IPAddress & address

Returns the NetworkInterface for the given IP address.

Throws an InterfaceNotFoundException if an interface with the give address does not exist.

forIndex static

static NetworkInterface forIndex(
    int index

Returns the NetworkInterface for the given interface index. If an index of 0 is specified, a NetworkInterface instance representing the default interface (empty name and wildcard address) is returned.

Throws an InterfaceNotFoundException if an interface with the given index does not exist (or IPv6 is not available).

forName static

static NetworkInterface forName(
    const std::string & name,
    bool requireIPv6 = false

Returns the NetworkInterface for the given name.

If requireIPv6 is false, an IPv4 interface is returned. Otherwise, an IPv6 interface is returned.

Throws an InterfaceNotFoundException if an interface with the give name does not exist.


int index() const;

Returns the interface index.

Only supported if IPv6 is available. Returns -1 if IPv6 is not available.

list static

static NetworkInterfaceList list();

Returns a list with all network interfaces on the system.

If there are multiple addresses bound to one interface, multiple NetworkInterface instances are created for the same interface.


const std::string & name() const;

Returns the interface name.

operator =

NetworkInterface & operator = (
    const NetworkInterface & interface

Assigns another NetworkInterface.


const IPAddress & subnetMask() const;

Returns the IPv4 subnet mask for this network interface.


bool supportsIPv4() const;

Returns true if the interface supports IPv4.


bool supportsIPv6() const;

Returns true if the interface supports IPv6.


void swap(
    NetworkInterface & other

Swaps the NetworkInterface with another one.

interfaceNameToAddress protected

IPAddress interfaceNameToAddress(
    const std::string & interfaceName
) const;

Determines the IPAddress bound to the interface with the given name.

interfaceNameToIndex protected

int interfaceNameToIndex(
    const std::string & interfaceName
) const;

Determines the interface index of the interface with the given name.