
class POP3ClientSession

Library: Net
Package: Mail
Header: Poco/Net/POP3ClientSession.h


This class implements an Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3, RFC 1939) client for receiving e-mail messages.

Member Summary

Member Functions: close, deleteMessage, getTimeout, isPositive, listMessages, login, messageCount, retrieveHeader, retrieveMessage, sendCommand, setTimeout

Nested Classes

struct MessageInfo

Information returned by listMessages(). more...



typedef std::vector < MessageInfo > MessageInfoVec;



POP3_PORT = 110



    const StreamSocket & socket

Creates the POP3ClientSession using the given socket, which must be connected to a POP3 server.


    const std::string & host,
    Poco::UInt16 port = POP3_PORT

Creates the POP3ClientSession using a socket connected to the given host and port.


~POP3ClientSession virtual

virtual ~POP3ClientSession();

Destroys the SMTPClientSession.

Member Functions


void close();

Sends a QUIT command and closes the connection to the server.

Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.


void deleteMessage(
    int id

Marks the message with the given ID for deletion. The message will be deleted when the connection to the server is closed by calling close().

Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.


Poco::Timespan getTimeout() const;

Returns the timeout for socket read operations.


void listMessages(
    MessageInfoVec & messages

Fills the given vector with the ids and sizes of all messages available on the server.

Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.


void login(
    const std::string & username,
    const std::string & password

Logs in to the POP3 server by sending a USER command followed by a PASS command.

Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.


int messageCount();

Sends a STAT command to determine the number of messages available on the server and returns that number.

Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.


void retrieveHeader(
    int id,
    MessageHeader & header

Retrieves the message header of the message with the given id and stores it in header.

For this to work, the server must support the TOP command.

Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.


void retrieveMessage(
    int id,
    MailMessage & message

Retrieves the message with the given id from the server and stores the raw message content in the message's content string, available with message.getContent().

Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.


void retrieveMessage(
    int id,
    MailMessage & message,
    PartHandler & handler

Retrieves the message with the given id from the server and stores it in message.

If the message has multiple parts, the parts are reported to the PartHandler. If the message is not a multi-part message, the content is stored in a string available by calling message.getContent().

Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.


void retrieveMessage(
    int id,
    std::ostream & ostr

Retrieves the raw message with the given id from the server and copies it to the given output stream.

Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.


bool sendCommand(
    const std::string & command,
    std::string & response

Sends the given command verbatim to the server and waits for a response.

Returns true if the response is positive, false otherwise.

Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.


bool sendCommand(
    const std::string & command,
    const std::string & arg,
    std::string & response

Sends the given command verbatim to the server and waits for a response.

Returns true if the response is positive, false otherwise.

Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.


bool sendCommand(
    const std::string & command,
    const std::string & arg1,
    const std::string & arg2,
    std::string & response

Sends the given command verbatim to the server and waits for a response.

Returns true if the response is positive, false otherwise.

Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.


void setTimeout(
    const Poco::Timespan & timeout

Sets the timeout for socket read operations.

isPositive protected static

static bool isPositive(
    const std::string & response