
class Transport

Library: Remoting/Binary
Package: Binary
Header: Poco/Remoting/Binary/Transport.h


Binary Transport implementation. The following requirements must be met, so that one can use Binary as transport: On the server side one must (1) register the TransportFactory, (2) register a Listener and finally, (3) register the individual objects. Note that the performance of a binary transport is best when no namespaces are used and when the type of all parameters is element. (While a binary transport will ignore namespaces and element/attr distinction, it will still be informed by de-/serializers which costs time. Also the generated code will be more compact.)


Poco::Remoting::ORB::instance().registerListener(new Remoting::Binary::Listener(10001));
TestProject::MySubClassHelper::registerObject(new TestProject::MySubClass(), "subclass1", 10001, Remoting::Binary::Transport::ID, false);

On the client side, requirements are similar: (1) TransportFactory and (2) retrieve the object via the helper class.


Poco::AutoPtr<TestProject::IMySubClass> ptrObj = TestProject::MySubClassHelper::findObject(hostName, "subclass1", 10001, Remoting::Binary::Transport::ID, false);


Direct Base Classes: Poco::Remoting::Transport

All Base Classes: Poco::Remoting::Transport

Member Summary

Member Functions: connect, connected, disconnect, doExecute, doExecuteOneWay, endExecute, endPoint, getDeserializer, getSerializer, prepareExecute, prepareExecuteOneWay

Inherited Functions: connect, connected, disconnect, doExecute, doExecuteOneWay, endExecute, endPoint, getDeserializer, getSerializer, prepareExecute, prepareExecuteOneWay



    bool lateConnect,
    bool reconnect

Creates the Transport with an uninitialized session. if lateConnect is set to false the transport will be immediatley connected, otherwise it will be connected with the very first request. reconnect tries to re-connect the transport once it detects an connection abort


~Transport virtual


Destroys the Transport.

Member Functions

connect virtual

void connect(
    const std::string & endPoint

The endpoint must be in URI parsable format, e.g.: remoting://www.xyz.org:666/path, or remotings://...

See also: Poco::Remoting::Transport::connect()

connected virtual inline

bool connected() const;

Returns the connection status.

See also: Poco::Remoting::Transport::connected()

disconnect virtual

void disconnect();

Disconnects the transport.

See also: Poco::Remoting::Transport::disconnect()


void doExecute(
    const Poco::Remoting::Identifiable::ObjectId & oId,
    const Poco::Remoting::Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    const std::string & methodName

Send the request.


void doExecuteOneWay(
    const Poco::Remoting::Identifiable::ObjectId & oId,
    const Poco::Remoting::Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    const std::string & methodName

Send the request and forget about it. No response checking.


std::istream & endExecute(
    const Poco::Remoting::Identifiable::ObjectId & oId,
    const Poco::Remoting::Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    const std::string & methodName

Get the response. Note that even void methods will return at least an empty response except when the method has been flagged as oneway! But in that case the code generator will use doExecuteOneWay instead of doExecute and endExecute.

endPoint virtual inline

const std::string & endPoint() const;

Returns the endpoint this transport is connected to or an empty string if it is not connected.

See also: Poco::Remoting::Transport::endPoint()

getDeserializer inline

Poco::Remoting::Deserializer & getDeserializer();

Returns a Binary deserializer.

getSerializer inline

Poco::Remoting::Serializer & getSerializer();

Returns a Binary serializer.

prepareExecute inline

std::ostream & prepareExecute(
    const Poco::Remoting::Identifiable::ObjectId & oId,
    const Poco::Remoting::Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    const std::string & methodName

Build a request and return the ouputstream so that the serializer classes can append their information to the request.


std::ostream & prepareExecuteOneWay(
    const Poco::Remoting::Identifiable::ObjectId & oId,
    const Poco::Remoting::Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    const std::string & methodName

Build a one-way request and return the outputstream so that the serializer classes can append their information to the request.



static const std::string BIN_PREFIX;

ID static

static const std::string ID;