
class XMLWriter

Library: XML
Package: XML
Header: Poco/XML/XMLWriter.h


This class serializes SAX2 ContentHandler, LexicalHandler and DTDHandler events back into a stream.

Various consistency checks are performed on the written data (i.e. there must be exactly one root element and every startElement() must have a matching endElement()).

The XMLWriter supports optional pretty-printing of the serialized XML. Note, however, that pretty-printing XML data alters the information set of the document being written, since in XML all whitespace is potentially relevant to an application.

The writer contains extensive support for XML Namespaces, so that a client application does not have to keep track of prefixes and supply xmlns attributes.

If the client does not provide namespace prefixes (either by specifying them as part of the qualified name given to startElement(), or by calling startPrefixMapping()), the XMLWriter automatically generates namespace prefixes in the form ns1, ns2, etc.


Direct Base Classes: ContentHandler, LexicalHandler, DTDHandler

All Base Classes: ContentHandler, DTDHandler, LexicalHandler

Member Summary

Member Functions: addAttributes, addNamespaceAttributes, characters, closeStartTag, comment, dataElement, declareAttributeNamespaces, emptyElement, endCDATA, endDTD, endDocument, endElement, endEntity, endFragment, endPrefixMapping, getNewLine, ignorableWhitespace, nameToString, newPrefix, notationDecl, prettyPrint, processingInstruction, rawCharacters, setDocumentLocator, setNewLine, skippedEntity, startCDATA, startDTD, startDocument, startElement, startEntity, startFragment, startPrefixMapping, unparsedEntityDecl, writeAttributes, writeEndElement, writeIndent, writeMarkup, writeName, writeNewLine, writeStartElement, writeXML, writeXMLDeclaration

Inherited Functions: characters, comment, endCDATA, endDTD, endDocument, endElement, endEntity, endPrefixMapping, ignorableWhitespace, notationDecl, processingInstruction, setDocumentLocator, skippedEntity, startCDATA, startDTD, startDocument, startElement, startEntity, startPrefixMapping, unparsedEntityDecl


AttributeMap protected

typedef std::map < XMLString, XMLString > AttributeMap;




do not write an XML declaration


write an XML declaration


pretty-print XML markup



    XMLByteOutputStream & str,
    int options

Creates the XMLWriter and sets the specified options.

The resulting stream will be UTF-8 encoded.


    XMLByteOutputStream & str,
    int options,
    const std::string & encodingName,
    Poco::TextEncoding & textEncoding

Creates the XMLWriter and sets the specified options.

The encoding is reflected in the XML declaration. The caller is responsible for that the given encodingName matches with the given textEncoding.


    XMLByteOutputStream & str,
    int options,
    const std::string & encodingName,
    Poco::TextEncoding * pTextEncoding

Creates the XMLWriter and sets the specified options.

The encoding is reflected in the XML declaration. The caller is responsible for that the given encodingName matches with the given textEncoding. If pTextEncoding is null, the given encodingName is ignored and the default UTF-8 encoding is used.


~XMLWriter virtual


Destroys the XMLWriter.

Member Functions

characters virtual

void characters(
    const XMLChar ch[],
    int start,
    int length

Writes XML character data. Quotes, ampersand's, less-than and greater-than signs are escaped, unless a CDATA section has been opened by calling startCDATA().

The characters must be encoded in UTF-8 (if XMLChar is char) or UTF-16 (if XMLChar is wchar_t).

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::characters()


void characters(
    const XMLString & str

Writes XML character data. Quotes, ampersand's, less-than and greater-than signs are escaped, unless a CDATA section has been opened by calling startCDATA().

The characters must be encoded in UTF-8 (if XMLChar is char) or UTF-16 (if XMLChar is wchar_t).

comment virtual

void comment(
    const XMLChar ch[],
    int start,
    int length

Writes a comment.

See also: Poco::XML::LexicalHandler::comment()


void dataElement(
    const XMLString & namespaceURI,
    const XMLString & localName,
    const XMLString & qname,
    const XMLString & data,
    const XMLString & attr1 = XMLString (),
    const XMLString & value1 = XMLString (),
    const XMLString & attr2 = XMLString (),
    const XMLString & value2 = XMLString (),
    const XMLString & attr3 = XMLString (),
    const XMLString & value3 = XMLString ()

Writes a data element in the form <name attr1="value1"...>data</name>.


void emptyElement(
    const XMLString & namespaceURI,
    const XMLString & localName,
    const XMLString & qname

Writes an empty XML element tag (<elem/>).


void emptyElement(
    const XMLString & namespaceURI,
    const XMLString & localName,
    const XMLString & qname,
    const Attributes & attributes

Writes an empty XML element tag with the given attributes (<elem attr1="value1"... />).

endCDATA virtual

void endCDATA();

Writes the ] string that ends a CDATA section.

See also: Poco::XML::LexicalHandler::endCDATA()

endDTD virtual

void endDTD();

Writes the closing characters of a DTD declaration.

See also: Poco::XML::LexicalHandler::endDTD()

endDocument virtual

void endDocument();

Checks that all elements are closed and prints a final newline.

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::endDocument()

endElement virtual

void endElement(
    const XMLString & namespaceURI,
    const XMLString & localName,
    const XMLString & qname

Writes an XML end element tag.

Throws an exception if the name of doesn't match the one of the most recent startElement().

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::endElement()

endEntity virtual

void endEntity(
    const XMLString & name

Does nothing.

See also: Poco::XML::LexicalHandler::endEntity()


void endFragment();

Checks that all elements are closed and prints a final newline.

endPrefixMapping virtual

void endPrefixMapping(
    const XMLString & prefix

End the scope of a prefix-URI mapping.

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::endPrefixMapping()


const std::string & getNewLine() const;

Returns the line ending currently in use.

ignorableWhitespace virtual

void ignorableWhitespace(
    const XMLChar ch[],
    int start,
    int length

Writes whitespace characters by simply passing them to characters().

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::ignorableWhitespace()

notationDecl virtual

void notationDecl(
    const XMLString & name,
    const XMLString * publicId,
    const XMLString * systemId

See also: Poco::XML::DTDHandler::notationDecl()

processingInstruction virtual

void processingInstruction(
    const XMLString & target,
    const XMLString & data

Writes a processing instruction.

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::processingInstruction()


void rawCharacters(
    const XMLString & str

Writes the characters in the given string as they are. The caller is responsible for escaping characters as necessary to produce valid XML.

The characters must be encoded in UTF-8 (if XMLChar is char) or UTF-16 (if XMLChar is wchar_t).

setDocumentLocator virtual

void setDocumentLocator(
    const Locator * loc

Currently unused.

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::setDocumentLocator()


void setNewLine(
    const std::string & newLineCharacters

Sets the line ending for the resulting XML file.

Possible values are:

skippedEntity virtual

void skippedEntity(
    const XMLString & name

Does nothing.

See also: Poco::XML::ContentHandler::skippedEntity()

startCDATA virtual

void startCDATA();

Writes the [CDATA[ string that begins a CDATA section. Use characters() to write the actual character data.

startDTD virtual

void startDTD(
    const XMLString & name,
    const XMLString & publicId,
    const XMLString & systemId

Writes a DTD declaration.

startDocument virtual

void startDocument();

Writes a generic XML declaration to the stream. If a document type has been set (see SetDocumentType), a DOCTYPE declaration is also written.

startElement virtual

void startElement(
    const XMLString & namespaceURI,
    const XMLString & localName,
    const XMLString & qname,
    const Attributes & attributes

Writes an XML start element tag.

Namespaces are handled as follows.

  1. If a qname, but no namespaceURI and localName are given, the qname is taken as element name.
  2. If a namespaceURI and a localName, but no qname is given, and the given namespaceURI has been declared earlier, the namespace prefix for the given namespaceURI together with the localName is taken as element name. If the namespace has not been declared, a prefix in the form "ns1", "ns2", etc. is generated and the namespace is declared with the generated prefix.
  3. If all three are given, and the namespace given in namespaceURI has not been declared, it is declared now. Otherwise, see 2.


void startElement(
    const XMLString & namespaceURI,
    const XMLString & localName,
    const XMLString & qname

Writes an XML start element tag with no attributes. See the other startElement() method for more information.

startEntity virtual

void startEntity(
    const XMLString & name

Does nothing.


void startFragment();

Use this instead of StartDocument() if you want to write a fragment rather than a document (no XML declaration and more than one "root" element allowed).

startPrefixMapping virtual

void startPrefixMapping(
    const XMLString & prefix,
    const XMLString & namespaceURI

Begin the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping. A namespace declaration is written with the next element.

unparsedEntityDecl virtual

void unparsedEntityDecl(
    const XMLString & name,
    const XMLString * publicId,
    const XMLString & systemId,
    const XMLString & notationName

addAttributes protected

void addAttributes(
    AttributeMap & attributeMap,
    const Attributes & attributes,
    const XMLString & elementNamespaceURI

addNamespaceAttributes protected

void addNamespaceAttributes(
    AttributeMap & attributeMap

closeStartTag protected

void closeStartTag();

declareAttributeNamespaces protected

void declareAttributeNamespaces(
    const Attributes & attributes

nameToString protected static

static std::string nameToString(
    const XMLString & localName,
    const XMLString & qname

newPrefix protected

XMLString newPrefix();

prettyPrint protected

void prettyPrint() const;

writeAttributes protected

void writeAttributes(
    const AttributeMap & attributeMap

writeEndElement protected

void writeEndElement(
    const XMLString & namespaceURI,
    const XMLString & localName,
    const XMLString & qname

writeIndent protected

void writeIndent() const;

writeMarkup protected

void writeMarkup(
    const std::string & str
) const;

writeName protected

void writeName(
    const XMLString & prefix,
    const XMLString & localName

writeNewLine protected

void writeNewLine() const;

writeStartElement protected

void writeStartElement(
    const XMLString & namespaceURI,
    const XMLString & localName,
    const XMLString & qname,
    const Attributes & attributes

writeXML protected

void writeXML(
    const XMLString & str
) const;

writeXML protected

void writeXML(
    XMLChar ch
) const;

writeXMLDeclaration protected

void writeXMLDeclaration();



static const std::string NEWLINE_CR;


static const std::string NEWLINE_CRLF;


static const std::string NEWLINE_DEFAULT;


static const std::string NEWLINE_LF;